Welcome to the UK Air Pollution Information System (APIS). Air pollution is one of the major environmental issues in the UK, with impacts occurring at local, regional and global scales. Much is known about the impacts on natural heritage features, with major steps already being taken in the development of abatement strategies both at national and international levels. It is clear, however, that there are still major gaps in the scientific understanding. This site provides a searchable database and information on pollutants and their impacts on habitats and species.

Air Pollution Information System

Latest news

Release of new version for APIS GIS map tool

This version is considerably faster and all the known bugs have been corrected. The “Results” tab has changed with new features. The APIS data for the midyear 2019 (2018, 2019 and 2020) has been released with this new version now  at 1 km2 resolution (previously 5 km2). You will also be able to query Source Attribution data for any grid square of the UK and we have also added a Critical Loads Screening tool for acidity.

Source Attribution Data Update

Important Information
In 2021 we updated the Source Attribution dataset in APIS from emission year 2012 to a emission year 2018. In this data we included Ireland as a separate footprint source . An error has been discovered with the footprint calculations for Ireland and Europe. To calculate the footprints the model is run several times removing 75% of each source. Those layers are compared to the baseline to calculate the footprint for each source, but the Europe Import footprint was overestimated (as it included the Irish footprint).

For APIS Source Attribution pies this means that the proportion of all the sources of a site was affected especially those sites in Northern Ireland. The error has been fixed and the data re-calculated.

We apologise for any inconveniences this might have caused.
