Welcome to the UK Air Pollution Information System (APIS). Air pollution is one of the major environmental issues in the UK, with impacts occurring at local, regional and global scales. Much is known about the impacts on natural heritage features, with major steps already being taken in the development of abatement strategies both at national and international levels. It is clear, however, that there are still major gaps in the scientific understanding. This site provides a searchable database and information on pollutants and their impacts on habitats and species.

Air Pollution Information System

Latest news

Updates to APIS

Over the last year we’ve been updating and improving APIS. We’ve updated and improved the Site Relevant Critical Loads tools to include new sites.  This now includes data on pollutant concentrations at sites as well as site relevant critical levels for Ammonia, Sulphur Dioxide and Nitrogen Dioxide.   We’ve also updated many of the pollutant/habitat records as well as the concentration/deposition datasets.  

Please use the contact form to report any bugs or issues.

Improved and Enhanced Version of SCAIL-Agriculture launched.

Simple Calculation of Ammonia Impact Limits (SCAIL) is a freely available online screening tool to estimate the effect of agricultural emissions on nearby protected areas (e.g. Sites of Special Scientific Interest) or human health.

The updated tool has been developed to evaluate the following emissions:

  • Impact of NH3 emissions on protected sites;
  • Impact of PM10 emissions on human health; and, 
  • Impact of odour emissions on nearby receptors.

The outputs from the tool will help the tool’s primary users (environmental regulators, planners, farmers, conservation bodies) make decisions on site development or permit application and the need for abatement measures or to identify whether further, more complex dispersion and deposition modelling is needed. 

This project was commissioned by the UK environmental regulatory authorities and the Irish.  Further information and the project report is available from Sniffer.

Report from the Nitrogen Deposition and the Nature Directives Workshop

JNCC have published the report of the “Nitrogen Deposition and the Nature Directives Workshop” held in December 2013 on behalf of the UK Government and Devolved Administrations.  

The report provides an overview of the presentations and discussions concerning the two themes of the workshop:

Theme 1: Reporting and assessment of nitrogen deposition impacts; and
Theme 2: Knowledge sharing of practical solutions to reduce nitrogen deposition impacts

A series of accounts of the findings and recommendations of the workshop’s working groups is also provided in Appendices 1-7.   The conclusions and recommendations from the workshop groups are also summarised.

The workshop background papers and presentations are available at http://jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-5954.

Nitrogen Deposition and the Nature Directives Workshop – Impacts and Responses: Our Shared Experience.

In December 2013, JNCC hosted the “Nitrogen Deposition and the Nature Directives Workshop” on behalf of the UK Government and Devolved Administrations.   This European workshop brought together leading experts from across the countries of the Atlantic Region, to share knowledge and experience of assessing the impacts of atmospheric nitrogen pollution and countries’ approaches or strategies to address those impacts.  

The workshop background papers are available at http://jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-5954.  A report of the workshop will be published in spring 2014.  It will record the conclusions and recommendations, including where follow up work is suggested, and a description of countries’ approaches to assessing and tackling impacts from nitrogen pollution. 
