APIS Bibliography

Mills G, Hayes F, Simpson D, Emberson L, Norris D, Harmens H, Buker P. Evidence of widespread effects of ozone on crops and (semi-)natural vegetation in Europe (1990–2006) in relation to AOT40- and flux-based risk maps. Global Change Biology. 2011 ;17:592-613.
Evans CD, Monteith DT, Fowler D, Cape JN, Brayshaw S. Hydrochloric Acid: An Overlooked Driver of Environmental Change. Environmental Science and Technology. 2011 ;45:1887-1894.
Mills G, Hayes F, Norris D, Hall J, Coyle M, Cambridge H, Cinderby S, Abbott J, Cooke S, Murrells T. Impacts of Ozone Pollution on Food Security in the UK: A Case Study for Two Contrasting years, 2006 and 2008. Defra; 2011. Available from: http://icpvegetation.ceh.ac.uk/ and http://uk-air.defra.gov.uk/library/
Mills G, Hayes F, Norris D, Hall J. Impacts of Ozone Pollution on Food Security in the UK: A Case Study for Two Contrasting years, 2006 and 2008. Defra; 2011. Available from: http://uk-air.defra.gov.uk/library/
Mills G, Hayes F, Norris D, Hall J. Impacts of Ozone Pollution on Food Security in the UK: A Case Study for Two Contrasting years, 2006 and 2008. Defra; 2011. Available from: http://icpvegetation.ceh.ac.uk/
Vanguelova E, Pitman R. Impacts of Short Rotation Forestry on Soil Sustainability. Forest Research; 2011 p. 212pp.
Wilson T, Cole J, Cronin S, Stewart C, Johnston D. Impacts on agriculture following the 1991 eruption of Vulcan Hudson, Patagonia: lessons for recovery. Natural Hazards. 2011 ;57:185-212.
Emmett BA, Rowe EC, Stevens CJ, Gowing DJ, Henrys PA, Maskell LC, Smart SM. Interpretation of evidence of nitrogen impacts on vegetation in relation to UK biodiversity objectives. JNCC; 2011.
Guerrieri R, Mencuccini M, Sheppard LJ, Saurer M, Perks MP, Levy P, Sutton MA, Borghetti M, Grace J. The legacy of enhanced N and S deposition as revealed by the combined analysis of δ13C, δ18O and δ15N in tree rings. Global Change Biology. 2011 ;17(5):1946-1962.
Guerrieri R, Mencuccini M, Sheppard LJ, Saurer M, Perks MP, Levy P, Sutton MA, Borghetti M, Grace J. The legacy of enhanced N and S deposition as revealed by thecombined analysis of delta 13C, delta 18O and delta 15N in treerings. Global Change Biology. 2011 ;17:1946–1962.
. Manual on methodologies and criteria for modelling and mapping Critical Loads and Levels and air pollution effects, risks and trends.; 2011.
Sutton MA, Leith ID, Bealey WJ, van Dijk N, Tang YS. Moninea Bog - Case study of atmospheric ammonia impacts on a Special Area of Conservation. In: In: Hicks, W.K.; Whitfield, C.P.; Bealey, W.J.; Sutton, M.A., (eds.) Nitrogen deposition and Natura 2000: Science and practice in determining environmental impacts. In: Hicks, W.K.; Whitfield, C.P.; Bealey, W.J.; Sutton, M.A., (eds.) Nitrogen deposition and Natura 2000: Science and practice in determining environmental impacts. COST Office - European Cooperation in Science and Technology,.; 2011. pp. 59-71.
Mills G, Pleijel H, Braun S, Buker P, Bermejo V, Calvo E, Danielsson H, Emberson L, I. Fernandez G, Grunhage L, et al. New stomatal flux-based critical levels for ozone effects on vegetation. Atmospheric Environment. 2011 ;45:5064-5068.
Harmens H, Norris DA, Cooper DM, Mills G, Steinnes E, Kubin E, Thoni L, Aboal JR, Alber R, Carballeira A, et al. Nitrogen concentrations in mosses indicate the spatial distribution of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in Europe. Environmental Pollution. 2011 ;159:2852-2860.
Dise NB, Ashmore MR, S B, Bleeker A, Bobbink R, de Vries W, Erisman JW, Spranger T, Stevens CJ, Van Den Berg LJL. Nitrogen deposition as a threat to European Terrestrial Biodiversity. In: European Nitrogen Assessment. European Nitrogen Assessment. Cambridge University Press; 2011. pp. 463-494.
Mills G, Harmens H. Ozone pollution: a hidden threat to food security. ICP Vegetation Coordination Centre; 2011.
Manninen S, Woods C, Leith ID, Sheppard LJ. Physiological and morphological effects of long-term ammonium or nitrate deposition on green and red (shade and open grown) Sphagnum capillifolium. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2011 ;72:140-148.
Rowe EC, Jones MLM, Henrys PA, Smart SM, Tipping E, Mills RTE, Evans CD. Predicting effects of N pollutant load on plant species based on a dynamic soil eutrophication indicator. Bangor: Countryside Council for Wales; 2011 p. 39.
Bobbink R, Hettelingh JP. Review and revision of empirical critical loads and dose-response relationships. Coordination Centre for Effects, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM); 2011. Available from: www.rivm.nl/cce
Bobbink R, Braun S, Nordin A, Power S, Schutz K, Strengbom J, Weijters M, Tomassen H. Review and revision of empirical critical loads and dose-response relationships. (Bobbink R, Hettelingh JP). Noordwijkerhout: Coordination Centre for Effects; 2011.
NEA UK. The UK National Ecosystem Assessment. Cambridge: UNEP-WCMC, LWEC; 2011. Available from: http://uknea.unep-wcmc.org/Resources/tabid/82/Default.aspx
Hall RJ, Emmett B, Garbutt A, Jones L, Rowe E, Sheppard L, Vanguelova E, Pitman R, Britton A, Hester A, et al. UK Status Report July 2011: Update to empirical critical loads of nitrogen.; 2011 p. 55pp.
