Update Log

Update date Update item Update Typesort descending Notes Link
14/10/2014 Ozone :: Coastal and Rocky Habitats ecosystem/pollutant record

this is now an ecosystem record rather than an APIS habitat

14/10/2014 Ozone :: Freshwater ecosystem/pollutant record

this is now an ecosystem record rather than an APIS habitat

14/10/2014 Ozone :: Grasslands ecosystem/pollutant record

this is now an ecosystem record rather than an APIS habitat

14/10/2014 Ozone :: Woodland and hedgerows ecosystem/pollutant record

this is now an ecosystem record rather than an APIS habitat

25/04/2018 Ozone :: Arable and horticultural ecosystem/pollutant record

Reviewed and Updated

25/04/2018 Ozone :: Bogs, wetland and heath ecosystem/pollutant record

Reviewed and Updated

25/04/2018 Ozone :: Coastal and Rocky Habitats ecosystem/pollutant record

Reviewed and Updated

25/04/2018 Ozone :: Freshwater ecosystem/pollutant record

Reviewed and Updated

25/04/2018 Ozone :: Grasslands ecosystem/pollutant record

Reviewed and Updated

25/04/2018 Ozone :: Woodland and hedgerows ecosystem/pollutant record

Reviewed and Updated

14/10/2014 Nitrogen Oxides :: Arable ecosystem/pollutant record

this is now an ecosystem record rather than an APIS habitat

14/10/2014 Nitrogen Oxides :: Bogs ecosystem/pollutant record

this is now an ecosystem record rather than an APIS habitat

14/10/2014 Nitrogen Oxides :: Broadleaved, Mixed and Yew Woodland ecosystem/pollutant record

this is now an ecosystem record rather than an APIS habitat

14/10/2014 Nitrogen Oxides :: Coastal and Rocky Habitats ecosystem/pollutant record

this is now an ecosystem record rather than an APIS habitat

14/10/2014 Nitrogen Oxides :: Freshwaters ecosystem/pollutant record

this is now an ecosystem record rather than an APIS habitat

14/10/2014 Nitrogen Oxides :: Grasslands ecosystem/pollutant record

this is now an ecosystem record rather than an APIS habitat

14/10/2014 Ozone :: Arable and horticultural ecosystem/pollutant record

this is now an ecosystem record rather than an APIS habitat

14/10/2014 Ozone :: Bogs, wetland and heath ecosystem/pollutant record

this is now an ecosystem record rather than an APIS habitat

14/10/2014 Acid deposition & Rivers and Streams habitat/pollutant record

re-written record

14/10/2014 Acid deposition & Standing Open Water and Canals habitat/pollutant record

re-written record

14/10/2014 Acid Deposition & Dunes, Shingle & Machair habitat/pollutant record

re-written record

14/10/2014 Acid Deposition & Fen, Marsh and Swamp habitat/pollutant record

re-written record

14/10/2014 Acid Deposition & Inland Rock & Scree habitat/pollutant record

re-written record

14/10/2014 Acid Deposition & Coastal saltmarsh habitat/pollutant record

re-written record

14/10/2014 Nitrogen deposition & Acid grassland habitat/pollutant record

re-written record

14/10/2014 Nitrogen deposition & Bogs habitat/pollutant record

re-written record

14/10/2014 Nitrogen deposition & Broadleaved, Mixed and Yew Woodland habitat/pollutant record

re-written record

14/10/2014 Nitrogen deposition & Calcareous grassland habitat/pollutant record

re-written record

14/10/2014 Nitrogen Deposition & Coastal and Floodplain Grazing Marsh habitat/pollutant record

re-written record

14/10/2014 Nitrogen Deposition & Coastal saltmarsh habitat/pollutant record

re-written record
