Habitat: Coniferous woodland
Grid Reference: SN844876
Grid Easting: 284500 to the 1km mid point (metres)
Grid Northing: 287500 to the 1km mid point (metres)
Pollutant: Ammonia
Critical Level: 1.0 - 3 µg m-3
Data Year: 2020 - 2022
Exceedance: [-0.32] to [-2.32] µg m-3
Pollutant: N Deposition
Critical Load Range:
Coniferous woodland: 3 - 15 Kg N/ha/year
Temperate continental Pinus sylvestris forest : 5 - 15 Kg N/ha/year
Temperate mountain Picea forest, Temperate mountain Abies forest : 10 - 15 Kg N/ha/year
Deposition: 29.56 Kg N/ha/year
Data Year: 2020 - 2022
Exceedance Ranges:
Coniferous woodland [26.56] to [14.56] Kg N/ha/year
Temperate continental Pinus sylvestris forest [24.56] to [14.56] Kg N/ha/year
Temperate mountain Picea forest, Temperate mountain Abies forest [19.56] to [14.56] Kg N/ha/year
Pollutant: Nitrogen Oxides
Critical Level: 30 µg NOx (as NO2) m-3
Concentration: 2.19 µg NOx (as NO2) m-3
Data Year: 2020 - 2022
Exceedance: -27.81 µg NOx (as NO2) m-3
Pollutant: Ozone
Critical Level: 5000 ppb hours (6 months growing season April to September)
Data Year: 2007 - 2012
Exceedance: -615.45 ppb hours
Pollutant: Sulphur Dioxide
Data Year: 2020 - 2022
Exceedance: -19.66 µg m-3
Pollutant: Acid Deposition
Critical Load Class & Values:
Class: Broadleafed/Coniferous unmanaged woodland
CLmaxS: 2.464 CLminN: 0.285 CLmaxN: 2.749 (keq/ha/yr)
Deposition: 2.21 (N: 2.11 | S: 0.25) (keq/ha/yr)
Data Year: 2020 - 2022