APIS Bibliography

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Sheppard LJ, Leith ID, Mizunuma T, Leeson S, Kivimaki S, Cape JN, van Dijk N, Leaver D, Sutton MA, Fowler D, et al. Inertia in an ombrotrophic bog ecosystem in response to 9 years' realistic perturbation by wet deposition of nitrogen, separated by form. Global Change Biology. 2014 ;20(2):566-580.
Sheppard LJ, Leith ID, Mizunuma T, Leeson S, Kivimaki S, Cape JN, van Dijk N, Leaver D, Sutton MA, Fowler D, et al. Inertia in an ombrotrophic bog ecosystem in response to 9 years' realistic perturbation by wet deposition of nitrogen, separated by form. Global Change Biology. 2014 ;20(2):566-580.
L.J. S, Leith ID, Mizunuma T, Leeson S, Kivimaki S, Cape JN, van Dijk N, Leaver D, Sutton MA, Fowler D, et al. Inertia in an ombrotrophic bog ecosystem in response to nine years’ realistic perturbation by wet deposition of nitrogen, separated by form. Global Change Biology. 2014 ;20(2):566-580.
L.J. S, Leith ID, Mizunuma T, Leeson S, Kivimaki S, Cape JN, van Dijk N, Leaver D, Sutton MA, Fowler D, et al. Inertia in an ombrotrophic bog ecosystem in response to nine years’ realistic perturbation by wet deposition of nitrogen, separated by form. Global Change Biology. 2014 ;20(2):566-580.
Battarbee RW, Shilland EM, Kernan M, Monteith DT, Curtis C. Recovery of acidified surface waters from acidification in the United Kingdom after twenty years of chemical and biological monitoring (1988–2008). Ecological Indicators. 2014 ;37(Part B):267-273.
Battarbee RW, Simpson GL, Shilland EM, Flower RJ, Kreiser A, Yang H, Clarke G. Recovery of UK lakes from acidification: An assessment using combined palaeoecological and contemporary diatom assemblage data. Ecological Indicators. 2014 ;37(Part B):365-380.
Malcolm IA, Bacon PJ, Middlemas SJ, Fryer RJ, Shilland EM, Collen P. Relationships between hydrochemistry and the presence of juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta) in headwater streams recovering from acidification. Ecological Indicators. 2014 ;37(Part B):351-364.
Wedlich KV, Rintoul N, Peacock S, Cape NJ, Coyle M, Toet S, Barnes J, Ashmore M. Effects of ozone on species composition in an upland grassland. Oecologia. 2012 ;168:1137-1146.
Wedlich KV, Rintoul N, Peacock S, Cape NJ, Coyle M, Toet S, Barnes J, Ashmore M. Effects of ozone on species composition in an upland grassland. Oecologia. 2012 ;168:1137-1146.
Phoenix GK, Emmett BA, Britton AJ, Caporn SJM, Dise NB, Helliwell R, Jones MLM, Leake JR, Leith ID, Sheppard LJ, et al. Impacts of atmospheric nitrogen deposition: responses of multiple plant and soil parameters across contrasting ecosystems in long-term field experiments. Global Change Biology. 2012 ;18:1197-1215.
Wagg S, Mills G, Hayes F, Wilkinson S, Cooper D, Davies WJ. Reduced soil water availability did not protect two competing grassland species from the negative effects of increasing background ozone. Environmental Pollution. 2012 ;165:91-99.
Stevens CJ, Smart SM, Henrys PA, Maskell LC, Crowe A, Simkin J, Cheffings CM, Whitfield C, Gowing DJG, Rowe EC, et al. Terricolous lichens as indicators of nitrogen deposition: Evidence from national records. Ecological Indicators. 2012 ;20:196-203.
Stevens CJ, Smart SM, Henrys PA, Maskell LC, Crowe A, Simkin J, Cheffings CM, Whitfield C, Gowing DJG, Rowe EC, et al. Terricolous lichens as indicators of nitrogen deposition: Evidence from national records. Ecological Indicators. 2012 ;20:196-203.
Tognetti R, Lombardi F, Lasserre B, Battipaglia G, Saurer M, Cherubini P, Marchetti M. Tree-ring responses in Araucaria araucana to two major eruptions of Lonquimay Volcano (Chile). Trees. 2012 ;26:1805-1819.
Wilson TM, Cole JW, Stewart C, Cronin SJ, Johnston DM. Ash storms: impacts of wind-remobilised volcanic ash on rural communities and agriculture following the 1991 Hudson eruption, southern Patagonia, Chile. Bulletin of Volcanology. 2011 ;73(3):223-239.
Wilson TM, Cole JW, Stewart C, Cronin SJ, Johnston DM. Ash storms: impacts of wind-remobilised volcanic ash on rural communities and agriculture following the 1991 Hudson eruption, southern Patagonia, Chile. Bulletin of Volcanology. 2011 ;73(3):223-239.
Stevens CJ, Smart SM, Henrys P, Maskell LC, Walker KJ, Preston CD, Crowe A, Rowe E, Gowing DJ, Emmett BA. Collation of evidence of nitrogen impacts on vegetation in relation to UK biodiversity objectives. JNCC; 2011.
Sheppard LJ, Leith ID, Mizunuma T, Cape JN, Crossley A, S. L, Sutton MA, Fowler D, van Dijk N. Dry deposition of ammonia gas drives species change faster than wet deposition of ammonium ions: evidence from a long-term field manipulation. Global Change Biology. 2011 ;17 (12):3589-3607.
Sheppard LJ, Leith ID, Mizunuma T, Cape JN, Crossley A, S. L, Sutton MA, Fowler D, van Dijk N. Dry deposition of ammonia gas drives species change faster than wet deposition of ammonium ions: evidence from a long-term field manipulation. Global Change Biology. 2011 ;17 (12):3589-3607.
Evans CD, Monteith DT, Fowler D, Cape JN, Brayshaw S. Hydrochloric Acid: An Overlooked Driver of Environmental Change. Environmental Science and Technology. 2011 ;45:1887-1894.
Mills G, Hayes F, Norris D, Hall J, Coyle M, Cambridge H, Cinderby S, Abbott J, Cooke S, Murrells T. Impacts of Ozone Pollution on Food Security in the UK: A Case Study for Two Contrasting years, 2006 and 2008. Defra; 2011. Available from: http://icpvegetation.ceh.ac.uk/ and http://uk-air.defra.gov.uk/library/
Mills G, Hayes F, Norris D, Hall J, Coyle M, Cambridge H, Cinderby S, Abbott J, Cooke S, Murrells T. Impacts of Ozone Pollution on Food Security in the UK: A Case Study for Two Contrasting years, 2006 and 2008. Defra; 2011. Available from: http://icpvegetation.ceh.ac.uk/ and http://uk-air.defra.gov.uk/library/
