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Goumenaki E, Fernandez IG, Papanikolaou A, Papadopoulou D, Askianakis C, Kouvarakis G, Barnes J. Submitted .
Ling KA, Ashmore MR. Acid Rain and Trees. Focus on Nature Conservation No. 19. . 1987 .
Kreiser AM, Appleby PG, Natkanski J, Rippey B, Battarbee RW. Afforestation and Lake Acidification: A Comparison of Four Sites in Scotland. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 1990 ;327:337-383.
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Armitage HF, Britton AJ, Woodin SJ, Van der Wal R. Assessing the recovery potential of alpine moss-sedge heath: reciprocal transplants along a nitrogen deposition gradient. Environmental Pollution. 2011 ;159:140- 147.
Anderson CP, Ritter W, Gregg J, Matyssek R, Grams TEE. Below-ground carbon allocation in mature beech and spruce trees following long-term, experimentally enhanced O3 exposure in Southern Germany. Environmental Pollution . 2010 ;158:2604-2609.
Nikolova PS, Anderson CP, Blaschke H, Matyssek R, Haberle K. Belowground effects of enhanced tropospheric ozone and drought in abeech/spruce forest (Fagus sylvatica L./Picea abies [L.] Karst). Environmental Pollution. 2010 ;158:1071-1078.
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