APIS Bibliography

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Wilson TM, Cole JW, Stewart C, Cronin SJ, Johnston DM. Ash storms: impacts of wind-remobilised volcanic ash on rural communities and agriculture following the 1991 Hudson eruption, southern Patagonia, Chile. Bulletin of Volcanology. 2011 ;73(3):223-239.
Wilson TM, Cole JW, Stewart C, Cronin SJ, Johnston DM. Ash storms: impacts of wind-remobilised volcanic ash on rural communities and agriculture following the 1991 Hudson eruption, southern Patagonia, Chile. Bulletin of Volcanology. 2011 ;73(3):223-239.
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Evans CD, Chapman PJ, Clark JM, Monteith DT, Cresser MS. Alternative explanations for rising dissolved organic carbon export from organic soils. Global Change Biology. 2006 ;12:2044-2053.
Evans CD, Chapman PJ, Clark JM, Monteith DT, Cresser MS. Alternative explanations for rising dissolved organic carbon export from organic soils. Global Change Biology. 2006 ;12:2044-2053.
Evans CD, Chapman PJ, Clark JM, Monteith DT, Cresser MS. Alternative explanations for rising dissolved organic carbon export from organic soils. Global Change Biology. 2006 ;12:2044-2053.
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Book Chapter
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Cresser MS, Smith C, Sanger L, Hornung (E)M, Skeffington (E)RA. Critical Loads - Concepts and Applications. In: ITE Symposium. Vol. 28. ITE Symposium. London: HMSO; 1993.
Lee JA, Caporn SJM, Carroll J, Foot JP, Johnson D, Potter L, Taylor AFS, Bates (E)JW, Ashton (E)NW, Ducken JG. Bryology for the Twenty-first Century. In: ; 1998. pp. 331-341.
Lee JA, Caporn SJM, Carroll J, Foot JP, Johnson D, Potter L, Taylor AFS, Bates (E)JW, Ashton (E)NW, Ducken JG. Bryology for the Twenty-first Century. In: ; 1998. pp. 331-341.
Hornung M, Bull KR, Cresser MS, Loveland PJ, Langan SJ, Reynolds B, Robertson WH, Battarbee (E)RW. Acid Rain and its Impact: The Critical Loads Debate. In: London: Environmental Change Research Centre/ENSIS; 1994. pp. 43-51.
Caporn SJM, Carroll J, Lei Y, Song W, Read DJ, Lee JA, Battarbee (E)RW. Acid Rain and its Impact: The Critical Loads Debate. In: London: Environmental Change Research Centre/ENSIS; 1994. pp. 146-150.
Caporn SJM, Carroll J, Lei Y, Song W, Read DJ, Lee JA, Battarbee (E)RW. Acid Rain and its Impact: The Critical Loads Debate. In: London: Environmental Change Research Centre/ENSIS; 1994. pp. 146-150.
