APIS Bibliography

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Copplestone D, Bielby S, Jones SR, Paton D, Daniel P, Gize I. Impact Assessment of ionising radiation on wildlife. Bristol: Environment Agency; 2001. Available from: http://publications.environment-agency.gov.uk/pdf/SR-DPUB-128-e-e.pdf
Cornelissen JHC, Lang SI, Soudzilovskaia NA, During HJ. Comparative cryptogam ecology: a review of bryophyte and lichen traits that drive biogeochemistry. Annals of Botany. 2007 ;99:987-1001.
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Cresser MS, Smith C, Sanger L. Critical loads for peat soils. Symposium 28th ed. (Hornung M, Skeffington RA). London.: Institute of Terrestrial Ecology; 1993.
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Curtis MW, Ward CH. Aquatic toxicity of forty industrial chemicals: testing in support of hazardous substance spill prevention regulation. Journal of Hydrology. 1981 ;(51):359-367.
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Davies PH, Brinkmand SF. Acute and chronic toxicity of manganese to to brown trout (Salmo trutta) in hard water. Colorado Division of Wildlife; 1995.
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Davis SM, Drake KD, Maier KJ. Toxicity of boron to the duckweed Spirodella polyrrhixa. Chemosphere. 2002 ;(48):615-620.
Davison AW, Reiling K. A rapid change in ozone resistance of Plantago major after summers with high ozone concentrations. New Phytologist . 1995 ;131:227-343.
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de Klein CAM, Monaghan RM, Sinclair AG. Soil acidification: a provisional model for New Zealand pastoral systems. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 1997 ;40(4):541-557.
Deans JD, Leith ID, Sheppard LJ, Cape JN, D. F, Murry MB, Mason PA. The influence of acid rain mists on growth, dry matter partitioning, nutrient concentrations and mycorrhizal fruiting bodies in red spruce seedlings. New Phytologist . 1994 ;115:459-464.
