APIS Bibliography

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Kaupenjohann M, Dohler H, Bauer M. Effects of N-emissions on nutrient status and vitality of Pinus sylvestris near a hen house. .; 1989 pp. 279-328.
CEIP . Emissions as used in EMEP Models. Vienna, Austria: Centre on Emission Inventories and Projections.; 2010. Available from: http://www.ceip.at/
UNECE, Achermann (E)B, Bobbink (E)R. Empirical Critical Loads for Nitrogen - Expert Workshop, Berne 2002. SAEFL; 2003.
Bobbink R, Hornung M, Roelofs JGM. Empirical nitrogen critical loads for natural and semi-natural ecosystems. Berlin: Umweltbundesamt; 1996 pp. 71-96. .
Bobbink R, Roelofs JGM. Empirical nitrogen critical loads: update since Lokeberg (1992). (Hornung M, Sutton MA, Wilson RB). Bush: Institute of Terrestrial Ecology; 1995 pp. 9-19.
Reimer PS. Environmental effects of manganese and proposed freshwater guidelines to protect aquatic life in British Columbia. Department of Chemical & Bio-Resource Engineering, Bio-resource Engineering Program, University of British Columbia; 1999.
WHO. Environmental Health Criteria 125 Platinum. Geneva: World Health Organisation; 1991.
WHO. Environmental Health Criteria 135 Cadmium - Environmental Aspects. Geneva: World Health Organisation; 1992.
WHO. Environmental Health Criteria 200 Copper. Geneva: World Health Organisation; 1998.
WHO. Environmental Health Criteria 200 Copper. Geneva: World Health Organization; 1998.
WHO. Environmental Health Criteria 221 Zinc. Geneva: World Health Organisation; 2001.
WHO. Environmental Health Criteria 224 Arsenic and arsenic compounds. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2001.
WHO. Environmental Health Criteria 226 Palladium. Geneva: World Health Organisation; 2002.
WHO. Environmental Health Criteria 227: Fluorides. Geneva: World Health Organisation; 2002 p. pp 230.
WHO. Environmental Health Criteria 61 Chromium. Geneva: World Health Organisation; 1988.
WHO. Environmental Health Criteria 81 Vanadium. Geneva: World Health Organisation; 1988.
WHO. Environmental Health Criteria 85 Lead- Environmental Aspects. Geneva: World Health Organisation; 1989.
WHO. Environmental Health Criteria 86 Mercury- Environmental Aspects. Geneva: World Health Organisation; 1989.
Farmer AM, Bareham SA. The Environmental Implications of UK Sulphur Emission Policy Options for England and Wales. Peterborough: Joint Nature Conservation Committee; 1993.
Sutton MA, Fowler D. Estimating the relative contribution of SOx, NOy and NHx inputs to effects of atmospheric deposition. London: HMSO; 1993.
Van Lynden GWJ. European Soil Resources: Current Status of Soil Degradation, Causes, Impacts and Need for Action. Strasbourg: Council of Europe; 1995.
Hayes F, Mills G, Harmens H, Norris D. Evidence of widespread ozone damage to vegetation in Europe (1990-2006). Bangor, UK.: Centre for Ecology and Hydrology; 2007.
