APIS Bibliography

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Journal Article
White CC, Dawod AM, Cruickshank K, Gammack S, Cresser MS. Evidence for acidification of sensitive Scottish soils by atmospheric deposition. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:1203-1208.
White CC, Dawod AM, Cruickshank K, Gammack S, Cresser MS. Evidence for acidification of sensitive Scottish soils by atmospheric deposition. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:1203-1208.
Duarte-Davidson R, Sewart A, Alcock RE, Cousins IT, Jones KC. Exploring the balance between sources, deposition, and the environmental burden of PCDD/Fs in the U.K. environment: an aid to identifying uncertainties and research needs. Environmental Science and Technology. 1996 ;31:1-10.
Cooke JA, Boulton IC, Johnson MS. Fluoride in Small Mammals. In: Environmental Contaminants in Wildlife: Interpreting Tissue Concentrations Beyer N, Heinz G;, Redmon-Norwood A. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Special Publication. Lewis, Boca Raton. 1996 ;22:473-482.
Key BD, Howell RD, Criddle CS. Fluorinated organics in the biosphere. Environmental Science and Technology. 1997 ;31:2445-2454.
Billett MF, Parker-Jervis F, FitzPatrick EA, Cresser MS. Forest soil chemical changes between 1949/50 and 1987. Journal of Soil Science. 1990 ;41:133-135.
Long ER, MacDonald DD, Smith SL, Calder FD. Incidence of adverse biological effects within ranges of chemical concentrations in marine and estuarine sediments. Environmental Management. 1995 ;19:81-97.
Kuylenstierna JCL, Chadwick MJ. Increases in soil acidity in north west Wales between 1957 and 1990. Ambio. 1991 ;20:118-119.
Fowler D, Cape JN, Leith ID, Choularton TW, Gay MJ, Jones A. The influence of altitude on rainfall composition at Great Dun Fell. Atmospheric Environment. 1988 ;22:1355-1362.
Fowler D, Cape JN, Leith ID, Choularton TW, Gay MJ, Jones A. The influence of altitude on rainfall composition at Great Dun Fell. Atmospheric Environment. 1988 ;22:1355-1362.
Billett MF, FitzPatrickm EA, Cresser MS. Long term changes in the acidity of forest soils in north east Scotland. Soil Use and Management. 1988 ;4:102-107.
Pain BF, van der Weerden TJ, Chambers BJ, Phillips VR, Jarvis SC. A new inventory for ammonia emissions from U.K. agriculture. (Ammonia Special Issue) Atmospheric Environment . 1998 ;32(3):309-313.
Chapman PJ, Edwards AC, Reynolds C, Cresser M, Neal C. The nitrogen content of upland rivers in Britain: the significance of organic N. IAHS Publ. 1998 ;248:443-450.
Chapman PJ, Edwards AC, Reynolds C, Cresser M, Neal C. The nitrogen content of upland rivers in Britain: the significance of organic N. IAHS Publ. 1998 ;248:443-450.
Skiba U, Cresser MS, Derwent RG, Futty DW. Peat acidification in Scotland. Nature. 1989 ;337:68-69.
Fowler D, Sutton MA, Smith RI, Pitcairn CER, Coyle M, l Campbel G, Stedman J. Regional mass budgets of oxidized and reduced nitrogen and their relative contribution to the N inputs of sensitive ecosystems. Environmental Pollutution (Nitrogen Conference Special Issue). 1998 ;102:337-342.
Fowler D, Sutton MA, Smith RI, Pitcairn CER, Coyle M, l Campbel G, Stedman J. Regional mass budgets of oxidized and reduced nitrogen and their relative contribution to the N inputs of sensitive ecosystems. Environmental Pollutution (Nitrogen Conference Special Issue). 1998 ;102:337-342.
IPCC, Houghton JT, Meira Filho LG, Lim K, Trennton I, Mamaty I, Bonduki Y, Griggs DJ, Callander BA. Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. 1997 ;1 - 3.
Skiba U, Sheppard LJ, Pitcairn CER, Leith ID, Crossley A, van Dijk S, Kennedy VJ, Fowler D. Soil nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions as indicators of the exceedance of critical loads of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in semi-natural ecosystems. Environmental Pollution. 1998 ;102(S1):457-461.
Sheppard LJ, Leith ID, Crossley A, van Dijk N, Fowler D, Sutton MA, Woods C. Stress responses of Calluna vulgaris to reduced and oxidised N applied under 'real world conditions'. Environmental Pollution. 2008 ;154:404-413.
Smith RI, Fowler D, Sutton MA, Flechard C, Coyle M. Transboundary Air Pollution: Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-Level Ozone in the UK. Atmospheric Environment . 2000 ;34:3757 - 3777.
Prescott GJ, Cohen GR, Elton RA, Fowkes FGR, Agius RM. Urban Air Pollution and Cardiopulmonary Ill-Health - A 14.5 Year Time Series Study. Occup. Environ. Med. 1998 ;55:697-704.
Moss B, Beklioglu M, Carvalho L, Kilinc S, McGowan S, Stephen D. Vertically-challenged limnology; Contrasts between deep and shallow lakes. Hydrobiologia. 1997 ;342:257-267.
