APIS Bibliography

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Britton AJ, Fisher JM. Interactive effects of nitrogen deposition, fire and grazing on diversity and composition of low-alpine prostrate Calluna vulgaris heathland. Journal of Applied Ecology. 2007 ;44:125-135.
Bolsinger M, Lier ME, Hughes PR. Influence of Ozone Air-Pollution on Plant-Herbivore Interactions .2. Effects of Ozone on Feeding Preference, Growth and Consumption Rates of Monarch Butterflies (Danaus-Plexippus). Environmental Pollution. 1992 ;77:31-37.
van der Eerdern LJ, Dueck TA, Berdowski JJM, Greven H, van Dobben HF. Influence of NH3 and (NH4)2SO4 on heathland vegetation. Acta Bot. Neerl. 1991 ;40.
Van der Eerden LJM, Dueck TA, Berdowski JJM, Greven H, van Dobben HF. Influence of HN3 and (HN4)2 SO4 on heathland vegetation. Atic Bot Neerl. 1991 ;40:281-296.
Hayes F, Mills G, Williams P, Harmens H, Buker P. Impacts of summer ozone exposure on the growth and overwintering of UK upland vegetation. Atmospheric Environment. 2006 ;40:4088-4097.
Britton AJ, Pearce ISKP, Jones B. Impacts of grazing on montane heath vegetation in Wales and implications for the restoration of montane areas. Biological Conservation. 2005 ;125:515-524.
Phoenix GK, Emmett BA, Britton AJ, Caporn SJM, Dise NB, Helliwell R, Jones MLM, Leake JR, Leith ID, Sheppard LJ, et al. Impacts of atmospheric nitrogen deposition: responses of multiple plant and soil parameters across contrasting ecosystems in long-term field experiments. Global Change Biology. 2012 ;18:1197-1215.
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Mercado LM, Bellouin N, Sitch S, Boucher O, Huntingford C, Wild M, Cox PM. Impact of changes in diffuse radiation on the global land carbon sink. Nature. 2009 ;458:1014-1018.
Mercado LM, Bellouin N, Sitch S, Boucher O, Huntingford C, Wild M, Cox PM. Impact of changes in diffuse radiation on the global land carbon sink. Nature. 2009 ;458:1014-1018.
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Armitage HF, Britton AJ, Van der Wal R, Woodin SJ. Grazing exclusion and phosphorus addition as potential local management options for the restoration of alpine moss-sedge heath. Biological Conservation. 2012 ;153:17-24.
Bobbink R, Hicks K, Galloway J, Spranger T, Alkemade R, Ashmore M, Bustamante M, Cinderby S, Davidson E, Dentener F, et al. Global assessment of nitrogen deposition effects on terrestrial plant diversity: a synthesis. Ecological Applications. 2010 ;20(1):30-59.
Bobbink R, Hicks K, Galloway J, Spranger T, Alkemade R, Ashmore M, Bustamante M, Cinderby S, Davidson E, Dentener F, et al. Global assessment of nitrogen deposition effects on terrestrial plant diversity: a synthesis. Ecological Applications. 2010 ;20(1):30-59.
Beattie RC, Aston RJ, Milner AGP. A Field-Study of Fertilization and Embryonic Development in the Common Frog (Rana-Temporaria) with Particular Reference to Acidity and Temperature. Journal of Applied Ecology . 1991 ;28:346-357.
Ahlstrom K, Persson H, Boriesson I. Fertilization in a mature Scots pine (Pinus-sylvestris l) stand - effects on fine roots. Plant Soil. 1988 ;106:179-190.
