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Mills G, Hayes F, Simpson D, Emberson L, Norris D, Harmens H, Buker P. Evidence of widespread effects of ozone on crops and (semi-)natural vegetation in Europe (1990–2006) in relation to AOT40- and flux-based risk maps. Global Change Biology. 2011 ;17:592-613.
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Remke E, Brouwer E, Kooijman AM, Blindow I, Esselink H, Roelefs JGM. Even low to medium nitrogen deposition impacts vegetation of dry, coastal dunes around the Baltic Sea. Environmental Pollution. 2009 ;157:792-800.
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Biesinger KE, Christensen GM. Effects of various metals on survival, growth, reproduction, and metabolism of Daphnia magna. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada. 1972 ;(29):1691-1700.
Biesinger KE, Christensen GM. Effects of various metals on survival, growth, reporduction, and metabolism of Daphnia magna. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada. 1972 ;(29):1691-1700.
Ferguson NP, Lee JA, Bell JNB. Effects of sulphur pollutants on the growth of Sphagnum species. Environmental Pollution. 1978 ;16:151-162.
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Bates JW, McNee PJ, McLeod AR. Effects of sulphur dioxide and ozone on lichen colonization of conifers in the Liphook forest fumigation project. New Phytologist . 1996 ;132:653-660.
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