APIS Bibliography

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Curtis C, Allott T, Hall J, Harriman R, Helliwel R, Hughes M, Kernan M, Reynolds B, Ullyett J. Critical loads of sulphur and nitrogen for freshwaters in Great Britain and assessment of deposition reduction requirements with the First-order Acidity Balance (FAB) model. Hydrology And Earth System Sciences. 2000 ;4:125-140.
Harriman R, Morrison BRS, Caines LA, Collen P, Watt AW. Long-term changes in fish populations of acid streams and lochs in Galloway south West Scotland. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1987 ;32:89-112.
McCartney AG, Harriman R, Watt AW, Moore DW, Taylor EM, Collen P, Keay EJ. Long-term trends in pH, aluminium and dissolved organic carbon in Scottish fresh waters; implications for brown trout (Salmo trutta) survival. Science of The Total Environment. 2003 ;310:133-141.
Allott TEH, Golding PNE, Harriman R. A palaeolimnological assessment of the impact of acid deposition on surface waters in northwest Scotland, a region of high sea salt inputs. Water, Air and Soil Pollution . 1995 ;85:2425-2430.
Harriman R, Bridcut EE, Anderson H. The relationship between salmonid fish densities and critical ANC at exceeded and non-exceeded stream sites in Scotland. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:2455-2460.