APIS Bibliography

Roelofs JGM, Kempers AJ, Houdijk ALFM, Jansen J. The effects of air-borne ammonium sulphate on Pinus nigra in the Netherlands. Plant Soil. 1985 ;42:372–377.
Ashmore MR, Dalpra C. The effects of London's air on plant growth. London Environ. Bull. 1985 ;3:4-5.
Reich PB, Schoettle AW, Stroo HF, Trojano J, Amundsen RG. Effects of O3, SO2, and acidic rain on mycorrhizal infection in northern red oak seedlings. Canadian Journal of Botany . 1985 ;63:2049-2055.
Skeffington RA, Roberts TM. The effects of ozone and acid mist on Scots pine seedlings. . Oecologia. 1985 ;65:201.
Agrawal M, Nandi PK, Rao DN. Effects of sulphur dioxide fumigation on soil system and growth behaviour of Vicia faba plants. Plant and Soil. 1985 ;86:69-78.
Gilbert OL. Environmental effects of airborne fluorides for aluminium smelting at Invergordon, Scotland 1971-1983. Environmental Pollution (Series A). 1985 ;39:293-302.
Dierschke H. Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Bestandesdynamik von Kalkmagerrasen (Mesobromion) in Südniedersachsen, I. Vegetationsentwicklung auf Dauerflächen 1972–1984.; 1985.
Woodin SJ, Press MC, Lee JA. Nitrate reductase activity in Sphagnum fuscum in relation to atmospheric nitrate deposition. New Phytologist . 1985 ;99:381-388.
Dohmen GP. Secondary effects of air pollution: Enhanced aphid growth. Environmental Pollution Series A, Ecological and Biological. 1985 ;39(3):227-234.
Martin TR, Holdich DM. The acute lethal toxicity of heavy metals to peracarid crustaceans (with particular reference to fresh-water Asellids and Gammarids). Water Research. 1986 ;(20):1137-1147.
Mallatt J, Barron MG, McDonough C. Acute toxicity of methyl mercury to the larval lamprey Petromyzon marinus. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol. 1986 ;(37):281-288.
Taylor HJ, Ashmore MR, Bell JNB. Air pollution injury to vegetation. Chadwick House, London: IEHO; 1986.
Rosseland BO. Biological effects of acidification on tertiary consumers: fish population responses. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1986 ;30:451-460.
Lang FJ, Bingham FT, Hendrix FF, Crane NL. Boron deposition on soil and native vegetation from geothermal emissions. Journal of Environmental Quality. 1986 ;(15):260-265.
Hallbacken L, Tamm CO. Changes in soil acidity from 1927-1982/84 in a forested area of south west Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research. 1986 ;1:219-232.
Eisler R. Chromium hazards to fish, wildlife, and invertebrates: a synoptic review. USDI Fish and Wildlife Service. 1986 ;(60).
Baker CK, Colls JJ, Fullwood AE, Seaton GGR. Depression of Growth and Yield in Winter Barley Exposed to Sulphur Dioxide in the Field. New Phytologist. 1986 ;104:233-241.
Hodge VF, Stallard M, Koide M, Goldberg ED. Determination of platinum and iridium in marine waters, sediments and organisms. Analytical Chemistry. 1986 ;(58):616-620.
Mulholland PJ, Elwood JW, Palumbo AV, Stevenson RJ. Effect of Stream Acidification on Periphyton Composition, Chlorophyll, and Productivity. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 1986 ;43:1846-1858.
Vermeer JG. The effects of nutrients on shoot biomass and species composition of wetland and hayfield communities. Acta Oecologica/ Oecologica Plant. . 1986 ;7:31-41.
Gilbert OL. Field evidence for an acid rain effect on lichens. Environmental Pollution. 1986 ;40:227-231.
Rackham O. The history of the countryside. 1986 .
Morgan JD, Mitchell DG, Chapman PM. Individual and combined toxicity of manganese and molybdenum to mussel, Mytilus edulis, larvae. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 1986 ;(37):303-307.
Takaoki T, Mitani K. A new fumigation method for measuring the effects of sulphur dioxide on photosynthisis of bryophytes and lichens. Lindbergia. 1986 ;12:60-66.
Press MC, Woodin SJ, Lee JA. The potential importance of an increased atmospheric nitrogen supply to the growth of ombrotrophic Sphagnum species. New Phytologist. 1986 ;103:45-55.
