APIS Bibliography

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Book Chapter
Aaby B. Monitoring Danish raised bogs. In: Mires and Man: Mire Conservation in a Densely Populated Country - The Swiss Experience. Mires and Man: Mire Conservation in a Densely Populated Country - The Swiss Experience. ; 1994. pp. 284-300.
Alscher R. Effects of SO2 on light-modulated enzyme reactions. In: Gaseous Air Pollutants and Plant Metabolism. Gaseous Air Pollutants and Plant Metabolism. Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd ; 1984.
Lee JA, Caporn SJM, Carroll J, Foot JP, Johnson D, Potter L, Taylor AFS, Bates (E)JW, Ashton (E)NW, Ducken JG. Bryology for the Twenty-first Century. In: ; 1998. pp. 331-341.
Adams KJ, Preston CD, Harding P. Biological recording of changes in British wildlife. In: Vol. ITE Symposium No. 20. London: HMSO; 1992.
