APIS Bibliography

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Carroll JA, Caporn SJM, Morecrof MD, Lee JA, Johnson D, Taylor A, Leake JR, Campbell CD, Cawley L, Lei Y, et al. Natural vegetation responses to atmospheric nitrogen deposition - critical levels and loads of nitrogen for vegetation growing on contrasting native soils. Sheneld: University of Sheneld; 1997.
Carroll JA, Caporn SJM, Morecrof MD, Lee JA, Johnson D, Taylor A, Leake JR, Campbell CD, Cawley L, Lei Y, et al. Natural vegetation responses to atmospheric nitrogen deposition - critical levels and loads of nitrogen for vegetation growing on contrasting native soils. Sheneld: University of Sheneld; 1997.
Carroll JA, Caporn SJM, Morecrof MD, Lee JA, Johnson D, Taylor A, Leake JR, Campbell CD, Cawley L, Lei Y, et al. Natural vegetation responses to atmospheric nitrogen deposition - critical levels and loads of nitrogen for vegetation growing on contrasting native soils. Sheneld: University of Sheneld; 1997.
Carroll JA, Caporn SJM, Morecrof MD, Lee JA, Johnson D, Taylor A, Leake JR, Campbell CD, Cawley L, Lei Y, et al. Natural vegetation responses to atmospheric nitrogen deposition - critical levels and loads of nitrogen for vegetation growing on contrasting native soils. Sheneld: University of Sheneld; 1997.
Pain BF, van der Weerden TJ, Chambers BJ, Phillips VR, Jarvis SC. A new inventory for ammonia emissions from U.K. agriculture. (Ammonia Special Issue) Atmospheric Environment . 1998 ;32(3):309-313.
Mills G, Pleijel H, Braun S, Buker P, Bermejo V, Calvo E, Danielsson H, Emberson L, I. Fernandez G, Grunhage L, et al. New stomatal flux-based critical levels for ozone effects on vegetation. Atmospheric Environment. 2011 ;45:5064-5068.
Harmens H, Norris DA, Cooper DM, Mills G, Steinnes E, Kubin E, Thoni L, Aboal JR, Alber R, Carballeira A, et al. Nitrogen concentrations in mosses indicate the spatial distribution of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in Europe. Environmental Pollution. 2011 ;159:2852-2860.
Harmens H, Norris DA, Cooper DM, Mills G, Steinnes E, Kubin E, Thoni L, Aboal JR, Alber R, Carballeira A, et al. Nitrogen concentrations in mosses indicate the spatial distribution of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in Europe. Environmental Pollution. 2011 ;159:2852-2860.
Harmens H, Norris DA, Cooper DM, Mills G, Steinnes E, Kubin E, Thoni L, Aboal JR, Alber R, Carballeira A, et al. Nitrogen concentrations in mosses indicate the spatial distribution of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in Europe. Environmental Pollution. 2011 ;159:2852-2860.
Chapman PJ, Edwards AC, Reynolds C, Cresser M, Neal C. The nitrogen content of upland rivers in Britain: the significance of organic N. IAHS Publ. 1998 ;248:443-450.
Chapman PJ, Edwards AC, Reynolds C, Cresser M, Neal C. The nitrogen content of upland rivers in Britain: the significance of organic N. IAHS Publ. 1998 ;248:443-450.
Curtis CJ, Emmett BA, Grant H, Kernan M, Reynolds B, Shilland E. Nitrogen saturation in UK moorlands: the critical role of bryophytes and lichens in determining retention of atmospheric N deposition. Journal of Applied Ecology. 2005 ;42:507-517.
Cape JN, Freer-Smith PH, Paterson IS, Parkinson JA, Wolfenden J. The nutritional status of Picea abies (L.) Karst. across Europe, and implications for "forest decline". Trees. 1990 ;4(4):211-224.
