APIS Bibliography

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Haines-Young RH, Barr CJ, Black HIJ, Briggs DJ, Bunce RGH, Clarke RT, Cooper A, Dawson FH, Firbank LG, Fuller RM, et al. Accounting for nature: assessing habitats in the UK countryside. London: DETR; 2000.
Haines-Young RH, Barr CJ, Black HIJ, Briggs DJ, Bunce RGH, Clarke RT, Cooper A, Dawson FH, Firbank LG, Fuller RM, et al. Accounting for nature: assessing habitats in the UK countryside. London: DETR; 2000.
Haines-Young RH, Barr CJ, Black HIG, Briggs DJ, Bunce RGH, Clarke RT, Cooper A, Dawson FH, Firbanks LG, Fuller RM, et al. Accounting for nature: assessing habitats in the UK countryside. London: DETR; 2000.
Haines-Young RH, Barr CJ, Black HIG, Briggs DJ, Bunce RGH, Clarke RT, Cooper A, Dawson FH, Firbanks LG, Fuller RM, et al. Accounting for nature: assessing habitats in the UK countryside. London: DETR; 2000.
Chamberlin DE, Warren RW, Crick HQP, Hall J, Metcalfe S, Ormerod S, Whyatt D, Vickery JA. Acidification and terrestrial birds.; 2000.
Martin RR, Tomlin A, Marsello B. Arsenic uptake in orchard trees: Implications for dendroanalysis. Chemosphere. 2000 ;(41):635-637.
Martin RR, Tomlin A, Marsello B. Arsenic uptake in orchard trees: Implications for dendroanalysis. Chemosphere. 2000 ;(41):635-637.
Sala OE, Chapin FS, Armesto JJ, Berlow E, Bloomfield J, Dirzo R, Huber-Sanwald E, Huenneke LF, Jackson RB, Kinzig A, et al. Biodiversity - Global biodiversity scenarios for the year 2100. Science. 2000 ;287(5459):1770-1774.
Mulgrew A, Williams P. Biomonitoring of air quality using plants. Berlin, Germany: WHO Collaborating Centre for Air Quality Management and Air Pollution Control; 2000.
Britton AJ, Marrs RH, Carey PD, Pakeman RJ. Comparison of techniques to increase Calluna vulgaris cover on heathland invaded by grasses in Breckland, south east England. . Biological Conservation . 2000 ;95:227-232.
Monni S, Salemaa M, White C, Tuittila E, Huopalainen M. Copper resistance of Calluna vulgaris originating from the pollution gradient of a Cu-Ni smelter, in southwest Finland. Environmental Pollution. 2000 ;(109):211-219.
Carroll JA, Johnson D, Morecroft MD, Taylor AG, Caporn SJM, Lee JA. The effect of long-term nitrogen additions on the bryophyte cover of upland acidic grassland. Journal Bryology . 2000 ;22:83-89.
Joly P, Miaud C, Lehmann A, Grolet O. Habitat matrix effects on pond occupancy in newts. . Conservation Biology. 2000 ;15:239-248.
Wolff K, Morgan-Richards M, Davison AW. Patterns of molecular genetic variation in Plantago major and P. intermedia in relation to ozone resistance. New Phytologist. 2000 ;145:501-509.
Stoughton JA, Marcus WA. Persistent impacts of trace metals from mining on floodplain grass communities along soda butte creek, Yellowstone National Park. Environmental Management. 2000 ;(25):305-320.
Manninen S, Huttunen S. Response of needle sulphur and nitrogen concentrations of Scots pine versus Norway spruce to SO2 and NO2. Environmental Pollution. 2000 ;107(3):421-436.
Viskari EL, Surakka J, Pasanen P, Mirme A, Ruuskanen J, Holopainen JK. Responses of spruce seedlings (Picea abies) to exhaust gas under laboratory conditions - I - plant-insect interactions. . Environmental Pollution. 2000 ;107:89-98.
Greenup AL, Bradford MA, McNamara NP, Ineson P, Lee JA. The role of Eriophorum vaginatum in CH4 flux from an ombitrophic peatland. . Plant and Soil. 2000 ;227:265-272.
Baumgarten M, Werner H, Haberle KH, Emberson LD, Fabian P, Matyssek R. Seasonal ozone response of mature beech trees (Fagus sylvatica) at high altitude in the Bavarian Forest (Germany) in comparison with young beech grown in the field and in phytotrons. Environmental Pollution. 2000 ;109:431-442.
Hartley-Whitaker J, Cairney JWG, Meharg AA. Toxic effects of cadmium and zinc on ectomycorrhizal colonization of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) from soil inoculum. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 2000 ;(19): 694-699.
Monteith DT, Evans CD. UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network: 10 Year Report. [Internet]. 2000 . Available from: http://awmn.defra.gov.uk/resources/publications/2000publications.php
Mitsch WJ, Gosselink JG. Wetlands. 3rd ed. New York: John Wiley; 2000.
