APIS Bibliography

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Kerr A, Shackley S, Milne R, Allen S. Climate change: Scottish implications scoping study. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive Central Research Unit; 1999.
Karenlampi L. Critical levels for ozone in Europe: Testing and finalising the concepts. (Skarby L).; 1996.
Kaupenjohann M, Dohler H, Bauer M. Effects of N-emissions on nutrient status and vitality of Pinus sylvestris near a hen house. .; 1989 pp. 279-328.
Dise NB, Ahlf W, Brahmer G, Cosby BJ, Fott J, Hauhs M, Juttner I, Kreutzer K, Raddum GG, Wright RF. Group report: are chemical and biological changes reversible?. (Steinberg CEW, Wright RF). Chichester: John Wiley and Sons; 1994 pp. 375-391.
Kennedy F. How extensive are the impacts of nitrogen pollution in Great Britain’s forests?. Edinburgh: Forest Research; 2003 pp. 66-75. Available from: http://www.forestry.gov.uk/pdf/FRreport0102.pdf/$file/FRreport0102.pdf
Kirby K, Smart SM, Black HI, Bunce RGH, Corney PM, Smithers RJ. Long-term ecological change in British woodlands (1971 - 2001). Peterborough: English Nature; 2005 pp. 1-139.
Anders S, Beck W, Bolte A, Hofmann G, Jenssen M, Krakau U, Müller J. Ökologie und Vegetation der Wälder Nordostdeutschlands.; 2002.
Ashmore MR, Keelan R. Ozone umbrella: effects of ground-level ozone on vegetation in the UK.; 2006.
Kernan M, Battarbee RW, Curtis C, Monteith DT, Shillands (E)EM. Recovery of lakes and streams in the UK from acid rain. The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network 20 year interpretative report . Report to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; 2010. Available from: http://awmn.defra.gov.uk/resources/interpreports/20yearInterpRpt.pdf
Gompertz D, Shuker D, Toniolo P, Shuker L, Bingham S, Calow P, Coggon D, King N, McMichael A, Walker C. The use of biomarkers in environmental exposure assessment. Leicester: Institute for Environment and Health; 1996 p. 114 pp.
