APIS Bibliography

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Journal Article
Sutton MA, Milford C, Dragosits U, Place CJ, Singles RJ, Smith RI, Pitcairn CER, Fowler D, Hill J, ApSimon HM, et al. Dispersion, deposition and impacts of atmospheric ammonia: quantifying local budgets and spatial variability. Environmental Pollutution (Nitrogen Conference Special Issue). 1998 ;102:349-361.
Abrahamsen G. Effects of acidic deposition on forest soils and vegetation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B. 1984 ;305:369-382.
Ashmore MR, Dalpra C. The effects of London's air on plant growth. London Environ. Bull. 1985 ;3:4-5.
Duarte-Davidson R, Sewart A, Alcock RE, Cousins IT, Jones KC. Exploring the balance between sources, deposition, and the environmental burden of PCDD/Fs in the U.K. environment: an aid to identifying uncertainties and research needs. Environmental Science and Technology. 1996 ;31:1-10.
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Tamm CO, Aronsson A, Popovic B. Nitrogen saturation in a long-term forest experiment with annual additions of nitrogen. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:1683-1688.
Anfossi D, Sandroni S. Short communication: Ozone levels in Paris one century ago. Atmospheric Environment . 1997 ;31(20):3481-3482.
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Ashmore MR, Bell JNB, Reily CL. Survey of ozone levels in British Isles using indicator plants. Nature. 1978 ;276(5690):813-815.
Prescott GJ, Cohen GR, Elton RA, Fowkes FGR, Agius RM. Urban Air Pollution and Cardiopulmonary Ill-Health - A 14.5 Year Time Series Study. Occup. Environ. Med. 1998 ;55:697-704.
Taylor HJ, Ashmore MR, Bell JNB. Air pollution injury to vegetation. Chadwick House, London: IEHO; 1986.
Kerr A, Shackley S, Milne R, Allen S. Climate change: Scottish implications scoping study. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive Central Research Unit; 1999.
Solomon S, Qin D, Manning M, Chen Z, Marquis KB, Averyt M, Tignor M, Miller HL. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007. Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA.: Cambridge University Press; 2007.
Fuhrer J. Critical levels for ozone; a UNECE workshop report. (Achermann B). Liebefeld-Bern: Swiss Federal Research Station for Agricultural Chemistry and Environmental Hygiene; 1994.
Ashmore MR, Wilson [E]RB. Critical levels of air pollutants for Europe. London: Air Quality Division, Department of the Environment; 1994.
Bignal K, Ashmore M, Power S. The Ecological Effects of Diffuse Air Pollution from Road Transport. Peterborough: English Nature; 2004.
UNECE, Achermann (E)B, Bobbink (E)R. Empirical Critical Loads for Nitrogen - Expert Workshop, Berne 2002. SAEFL; 2003.
Weinstein LH, Davison AW, Arndt U. Fluoride. In: Recognition of Air Pollutant Injury to Vegetation: A Pictorial Atlas. 2nd Edition. Pittsburgh, PA: Air & Waste Management Association; 1998 pp. pp 4-1 to 4-27.
Alford RA, Richards SJ. Global amphibian declines: A problem in applied ecology.; 1999 pp. 133-165.
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Hill MO, Ashenden TW, Buse A, Elmes GW, Goss-Custard JD, Thomas JA. Impacts of global change on UK species and communities. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology; 1998 pp. 98-103.
Morrissey T, Ashmore MR, Emberson LD, Cinderby S, Buker P. The impacts of ozone on nature conservation .; 2007.
