APIS Bibliography

Seaward MRD, Hitch (E)CJB. Atlas of the lichens of the British Isles. Cambridge: ITE; 1982.
Rombough PJ, Garside ET. Cadmium toxicity and accumulation in eggs and alevins of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 1982 ;(60):2006-2014.
Development Ofor Econom. Eutrophication of waters: monitoring, assessment and control. 1982 :154.
Foy R, Smith RV, Stevens RJ. Identification of factors affecting nitrogen and phosphorus loadings to Lough Neagh. Journal of Environmental Management . 1982 ;15:109-129.
BAMH. The influence of the dynamics of a population of herbivorous beetles on the development of vegetational patterns in a heathland system. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Insect-Plant Relationships. 1982 .
Brunsting AMH. The influence of the dynamics of a population of herbivorous beetles on the development of vegetational patterns in a heathland system. Wageningen; 1982.
James P. Lichens and air pollution. London: British Museum/BP Educational Services; 1982.
Miller PR, Taylor OC, Wilbour RG. Oxidant air pollution effects on a western coniferous forest ecosystem. 1982 ;EPA-600/D:82-276.
Slinn WGN. Prediction for Particle Deposition to Vegetative Canopies. Atmospheric Environment. 1982 ;16:1785-1794.
Garsed SG, Rutter AJ. Relative performance of conifer populations in various tests for sensitivity to SO2 and the implications for selecting trees for planting in polluted areas. New Phytologist. 1982 ;92:349-367.
Kress LW, Skelly JM. Response of several eastern forest trees to low doses of ozone and nitrogen oxide. Pl. Disease . 1982 ;66:1149-1152.
Galloway JN, Thornton JD, Norton SA, Volchok HL, McClean HL. Trace metals in atmospheric deposition: A review and assessment. Atmospheric Environment. 1982 ;16:1677-1700.
Nicholson JK, Kendall MD, Osborn D. Cadmium and mercury nephrotoxicity. Nature. 1983 ;(304):633-635.
Menezes MR, Qusim SZ. Determination of acute toxicity levels of mercury to the fish, Tilapia mossambica. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences (Animal Sciences). 1983 ;(92):375-380.
Ross LJ, Nash TH. Effect of ozone on gross photosynthesis of lichens. Environmental and Experimental Botany . 1983 ;23:71-77.
Alexander IJ, Fairley RI. Effects of N fertilisation on populations of fine roots and mycorrhizas in spruce humus. Plant and Soil . 1983 ;71:49-53.
Seymour VA, Hinckley TM, Morikawa Y, Franklin JF. Foliage damage in coniferous trees following volcanic ashfall from Mt. St. Helens. Oecologia. 1983 ;59:339-343.
Ferguson NP, Lee JA. The growth of Sphagnum species in the southern Pennines. Journal Bryology . 1983 ;12:579-586.
Thurman EM, Malcolm RL. Humic substances in groundwater. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society. 1983 ;186(AUG):89-ENVR.
Roelofs JGM. Impact of acidification and eutrophication on macrophyte communities in soft waters in the Netherlands. Aquatic Botany. 1983 ;17:139-155.
Lostein RJ, Davis DD. Influence of chronic sulfur dioxide exposures on early blight of tomato. Plant Disease. 1983 ;67:797-800.
Nicholson JK, Osborn D. Kidney lesions in pelagic seabirds with high tissue levels of cadmium and mercury. J. Zool. 1983 ;(200):99-118.
Ferguson NP, Lee JA. Past and present sulphur pollution in the southern Pennines. Atmospheric Environment. Atmospheric Environment . 1983 ;17:1131-1137.
