APIS Bibliography

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Brunsting AMH. The influence of the dynamics of a population of herbivorous beetles on the development of vegetational patterns in a heathland system. Wageningen; 1982.
Brydges TG, Wilson RB. Acid rain since 1985 - times are changing. In: Last FT, Watling R Acid deposition: its nature and impacts. Vol. 97. Acid deposition: its nature and impacts. ; 1991. pp. 1-15.
Bubier JL, Moore TR, Bledzki LA. Effect of nutrient addition on vegetation and carbon cycling in an ombrotrophic bog. Global Change Biology. 2007 ;13:1168–1186.
Buhl KJ, Hamilton SJ. Comparative toxicity of inorganic contaminants released by placer mining to early life stages of salmonids. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 1990 ;(20):325-342.
Bungener P, Balls GR, Nussbaum S, Geissmann M, Grub A, Fuhrer J. Leaf injury characteristics of grassland species exposed to ozone in relation to soil moisture condition and vapour pressure deficit. New Phytologist. 1999 ;142(2):271-282.
Burkhardt J, Sutton MA, Milford C, Storeton-West RL, Fowler D. Ammonia concentrations at a site in southern Scotland from 2 yr of continuous measurements. Atmospheric Environment . 1998 ;32:325-331.
Buscher P, Koedam N, Vanspeybroeck D. Cation-exchange properties and adaptation to soil acidity in bryophytes. New Phytologist . 1990 ;115:117-186.
Butterbach-Bahl K, Willibald G, Papen H. Soil core method for direct simultaneous determination of N-2 and N2O emissions from forest soils. Plant and Soil. 2002 ;240:105-116.
