APIS Bibliography

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Wilson EJ, Skeffington RA. The effects of excess nitrogen deposition on young Norway spruce trees. Part I: the soil. Environmental Pollution. 1994 ;86:141-151.
Skeffington RA, Wilson EJ. The effects of excess nitrogen deposition on young Norway spruce trees. Part I: the vegetation. Environmental Pollution. 1994 ;86:153-160.
Wilson EJ, Skeffington RA. The effects of excess nitrogen deposition on young Norway spruce trees. Part I: the vegetation. Environmental Pollution. 1994 ;86:153-160.
Mäkipää R. Effects of nitrogen fertilisation on the humus layer vegetation under closed canopy in boreal coniferous stands. Silva Fennica. 1994 ;28:81-94.
Jones CG, Coleman JS, Findlay S, Alsher (E)RG, Wellburn AR. Effects of ozone on interactions between plants, consumers and decomposers. London: Chapman & Hall; 1994 pp. 339-363.
Bosveld ATC, van den Berg M. Effects of PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs on fish-eating birds. Environmental Reviews. 1994 ;2:147-166.
Farago ME, Parsons PJ. The effects of various platinum metal species on the water plant Eichhornia crassipes (MART.). Solms. Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability. 1994 ;(6):1-12.
Dirilgen N, Inel Y. Effects of zinc and copper on growth and metal accumulation in duckweed, Lemna minor. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 1994 ;(53):442-449.
Boulton IC, Cooke JA, Johnson MS. Experimental fluoride accumulation and toxicity in the short-tailed field vole (Microtus agrestis). Journal of Zoology. 1994 ;234(c):409-421.
Morecroft MD, Skellers EK, Lee JA. An experimental investigation into the effects of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on two semi-natural grasslands. Journal of Ecology . 1994 ;82:475-483.
Boxman AW, van Dam D, van Dijk HFG, Hogervorst RF, Koopmans CJ. Ecosystem responses to reduced nitrogen and sulphur inputs into two coniferous forest stands in the Netherlands. Forest Ecology and Management. 1995 ;71:7-29.
Caporn SJM, Song W, Read DJ, Lee JA. The effect of repeated N fertlization on mye infection in heather (Calluna vulgaris (L) Hull). New Phytol. 1995 ;129:605-609.
de Vriers W, Leeters EEJM, Hendricks CMA. Effects of acid deposition on Dutch forest ecosystems. Water, Air and Soil Pollution . 1995 ;85:1063-1068.
Gate IM, McNeill S, Ashmore MR. Effects of air pollution on the searching behaviour of an insect parasitoid. . Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:1425-1430.
Holopainen JK, Kainulainen P, Oksanen J. Effects of gaseous air pollutants on aphid performance on Scots pine and Norway spruce seedlings. . Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:1431-1436.
Pedersen LB, Bille-Hansen J. Effects of nitrogen load to the forest floor in Sitka spruce stands as affected by differences in deposition and spruce aphid infestations. . Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:1173-1178.
of Sciences RSA. Effects of ozone depletion. Ambio. 1995 ;24(Special Issue No. 3.).
Scheidegger C, Schroeter B. Effects of Ozone Fumigation on Epiphytic Macrolichens - Ultrastructure, CO2 Gas-Exchange and Chlorophyll Fluorescence. Environmental Pollution. 1995 ;88:260-262.
Brady LD, Griffiths RA. Effects of Ph and Aluminum on the Growth and Feeding Behavior of Smooth and Palmate Newt Larvae. Ecotoxicology. 1995 ;4:299-306.
Logie JW. Effects of Stream Acidity on Non-Breeding Dippers Cinclus- Cinclus in the South-Central Highlands of Scotland. Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems . 1995 ;5:25-35.
Hornung M, Bull KR, Cresser MS, Hall J, Langan SJ, Loveland PJ, Smith C. An empirical map of acidity for soils in Great Britain. Environmental Pollution. 1995 ;90:301-310.
Bobbink R, Roelofs JGM. Empirical nitrogen critical loads: update since Lokeberg (1992). (Hornung M, Sutton MA, Wilson RB). Bush: Institute of Terrestrial Ecology; 1995 pp. 9-19.
Sanders GE, Skarby L, Ashmore MR, Fuhrer J. Establishing critical levels for the effects of air pollution on vegetation. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:189-200.
Ashmore MR, Sanders GE, Skarby L, Fuhrer J. Establishing critical levels for the effects of air pollution on vegetation. Water, Air and Soil Pollution . 1995 ;85:189-200.
Van Lynden GWJ. European Soil Resources: Current Status of Soil Degradation, Causes, Impacts and Need for Action. Strasbourg: Council of Europe; 1995.
