APIS Bibliography

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Holopainen JK, Kainulainen P, Oksanen J. Effects of gaseous air pollutants on aphid performance on Scots pine and Norway spruce seedlings. . Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:1431-1436.
Pedersen LB, Bille-Hansen J. Effects of nitrogen load to the forest floor in Sitka spruce stands as affected by differences in deposition and spruce aphid infestations. . Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:1173-1178.
of Sciences RSA. Effects of ozone depletion. Ambio. 1995 ;24(Special Issue No. 3.).
Scheidegger C, Schroeter B. Effects of Ozone Fumigation on Epiphytic Macrolichens - Ultrastructure, CO2 Gas-Exchange and Chlorophyll Fluorescence. Environmental Pollution. 1995 ;88:260-262.
Brady LD, Griffiths RA. Effects of Ph and Aluminum on the Growth and Feeding Behavior of Smooth and Palmate Newt Larvae. Ecotoxicology. 1995 ;4:299-306.
Logie JW. Effects of Stream Acidity on Non-Breeding Dippers Cinclus- Cinclus in the South-Central Highlands of Scotland. Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems . 1995 ;5:25-35.
Hornung M, Bull KR, Cresser MS, Hall J, Langan SJ, Loveland PJ, Smith C. An empirical map of acidity for soils in Great Britain. Environmental Pollution. 1995 ;90:301-310.
Bobbink R, Roelofs JGM. Empirical nitrogen critical loads: update since Lokeberg (1992). (Hornung M, Sutton MA, Wilson RB). Bush: Institute of Terrestrial Ecology; 1995 pp. 9-19.
Sanders GE, Skarby L, Ashmore MR, Fuhrer J. Establishing critical levels for the effects of air pollution on vegetation. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:189-200.
Ashmore MR, Sanders GE, Skarby L, Fuhrer J. Establishing critical levels for the effects of air pollution on vegetation. Water, Air and Soil Pollution . 1995 ;85:189-200.
Van Lynden GWJ. European Soil Resources: Current Status of Soil Degradation, Causes, Impacts and Need for Action. Strasbourg: Council of Europe; 1995.
White CC, Dawod AM, Cruickshank K, Gammack S, Cresser MS. Evidence for acidification of sensitive Scottish soils by atmospheric deposition. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:1203-1208.
Jiang Q, Singh BR. Effect of different forms and sources of arsenic crop yield and arsenic concentration. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 1994 ;(74):321-343.
Van Ginneken I. The effect of zinc oxide on the growth of the unicellular alga Selenastrum capricornutum. Beerse, Belgium: Janssen Pharmaceutica; 1994.
Van Woensel M. The effect of zinc powder on the growth of the unicellular alga Selenastrum capricornutum. Beerse, Belgium: Janssen Pharmaceutica; 1994.
Heijine B, Dueck TA, Van der Eerden LJM, Heil G. Effects of atmospheric ammonia and ammonium sulphate on vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal colonisation in three heathland species. New Phytologist. 1994 ;127:685-696.
Fangmeir A, Hadwiger-Fangmeir A, Van der Eerden LJM, Jager HJ. Effects of atmospheric ammonia on vegetation - a review. Environmental Pollution. 1994 ;86:43-82.
Wilson EJ, Skeffington RA. The effects of excess nitrogen deposition on young Norway spruce trees. Part I: the soil. Environmental Pollution. 1994 ;86:141-151.
Skeffington RA, Wilson EJ. The effects of excess nitrogen deposition on young Norway spruce trees. Part I: the vegetation. Environmental Pollution. 1994 ;86:153-160.
Wilson EJ, Skeffington RA. The effects of excess nitrogen deposition on young Norway spruce trees. Part I: the vegetation. Environmental Pollution. 1994 ;86:153-160.
Skeffington RA, Wilson EJ. The effects of excess nitrogen deposition on young Norway spruce trees. Part I: the soil. Environmental Pollution. 1994 ;86:141-151.
Mäkipää R. Effects of nitrogen fertilisation on the humus layer vegetation under closed canopy in boreal coniferous stands. Silva Fennica. 1994 ;28:81-94.
Jones CG, Coleman JS, Findlay S, Alsher (E)RG, Wellburn AR. Effects of ozone on interactions between plants, consumers and decomposers. London: Chapman & Hall; 1994 pp. 339-363.
Bosveld ATC, van den Berg M. Effects of PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs on fish-eating birds. Environmental Reviews. 1994 ;2:147-166.
Farago ME, Parsons PJ. The effects of various platinum metal species on the water plant Eichhornia crassipes (MART.). Solms. Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability. 1994 ;(6):1-12.
