APIS Bibliography

Ashenden TW. The effects of long-term exposures to SO2 and NO2 pollution on the growth of Dactylis glomerata L. and Poa pratensis L. Environmental Pollution. 1979 ;18:249-258.
Christensen ER, Scherfig J, Dixon PS. Effects of manganese, copper and lead on Selenastrum capricornutum and Chlorella stigmatophora. Water Research. 1979 ;(13):79-92.
McLaughlin SB, Shriner DS, McConathy RK, Mann LK. The effects of SO2 dosage kinetics and exposure frequency on photosynthesis and transpiration of kidney beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Environmental and Experimental Botany. 1979 ;19:179-191.
Srivaastiva RN, Agrawal SJ. Hematological anomalies in a fresh water teleost, Colisa fasciatus on acute exposure to cobalt. Acta. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 1979 ;(44):197-199.
Ellenberg H. Indicator values of vascular plants in Central Europe. Scripta Geobotanica. 1979 ;9:7-122.
Kothny EL. Palladium in plant ash. Plant and Soil. 1979 ;(53):547-550.
Pearse PA, Peakall DB, Reynolds LM. Shell thinning and residues of organochlorine and mercury in seabird eggs, Eastern Canada 1970-1976. Pesticide Monitoring Journal . 1979 ;13:61-68.
Bell JNB, Rutter AJ, Relton J. Studies on the effects of low levels of sulphur dioxide on the growth of Lolium Perenne L. New Phytologist. 1979 ;83:627-643.
Brown BT, Rattigan BM. Toxicity of soluble copper and other metal ions to Elodea canadensis. Environmental Pollution. 1979 ;(20):303-314.
Brown BT, Rattigan BM. Toxicity of soluble copper and other metal ions to Elodea canadensis. Environmental Pollution. 1979 ;(20):303-314.
