APIS Bibliography

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Farmer AM, Bates JW, Bell JNB, Bates (E)JW, Farmer (E)AM. Ecophysiological effects of acid rain on bryophytes and lichens. In: Bryophytes and lichens in a changing environment. Bryophytes and lichens in a changing environment. Oxford: Clarendon Press; 1992.
Farmer AM, Bates JW, Bell JNB, Bates (E)JW, Farmer (E)AM. Ecophysiological effects of acid rain on bryophytes and lichens. In: Bryophytes and lichens in a changing environment. Bryophytes and lichens in a changing environment. Oxford: Clarendon Press; 1992.
Baxter R, Emes MJ, Lee JA. Effect of an experimentally applied increase in ammonium on growth and amino-acid metabolism of Sphagnum cuspidatum Ehrh. Ex. Hoffm. From differently polluted areas. . New Phytologist . 1992 ;120:265-274.
Beattie RC, Tyler-Jones R. The Effects of Low Ph and Aluminum on Breeding Success in the Frog Rana-Temporaria. Journal of Herpetology . 1992 ;26:353-360.
Beattie RC, Tyler-Jones R, Baxter MJ. The Effects of pH, Aluminum Concentration and Temperature on the Embryonic-Development of the European Common Frog, Rana- Temporaria. Journal of Zoology. 1992 ;228:557-570.
Beattie RC, Tyler-Jones R, Baxter MJ. The Effects of pH, Aluminum Concentration and Temperature on the Embryonic-Development of the European Common Frog, Rana- Temporaria. Journal of Zoology. 1992 ;228:557-570.
Brimblecombe P, Bowler C. The history of air pollution in York, England. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. 1992 ;42:1562-1566.
Brimblecombe P, Bowler C. The history of air pollution in York, England. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. 1992 ;42:1562-1566.
Bolsinger M, Lier ME, Hughes PR. Influence of Ozone Air-Pollution on Plant-Herbivore Interactions .2. Effects of Ozone on Feeding Preference, Growth and Consumption Rates of Monarch Butterflies (Danaus-Plexippus). Environmental Pollution. 1992 ;77:31-37.
Dwyer FJ, Burch SA, Ingersoll CG, Hunn JB. Toxicity of trace element and salinity mixtures to striped bass (Morone saxatilis) and Daphnia magna. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry . 1992 ;(11):513-520.
Colls JJ, Geissler PA, Baker CK. Use of a field release system to distinguish the effects of dose and concentration of sulphur dioxide on winter barley. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 1992 ;38:3-10.
Bell JNB, McNeill S, Houlden G, Brown VC, Mansfield PJ. Atmospheric Change - Effect on Plant Pests and Diseases. Parasitology. 1993 ;106:S11-S24.
Bell JNB, McNeill S, Houlden G, Brown VC, Mansfield PJ. Atmospheric Change - Effect on Plant Pests and Diseases. Parasitology. 1993 ;106:S11-S24.
Bobbink R, Heil GW. Atmospheric deposition of sulphur and nitrogen in heathland ecosystems. In: Heathlands: Patterns and Processes in a Changing Environment. Heathlands: Patterns and Processes in a Changing Environment. Netherlands: Springer; 1993. pp. 25-50.
Corraddi M, Bianchi A, Albasini A. Chromium toxicity in Salvia scarea I Effects of hexavalent chromium on seed germination and seedline development. Environmental Experimental Botany. 1993 ;(33):405-413.
Berdowski JJM. The effect of external stress and disturbance factors on Calluna dominated heathland vegetation. In: Heathlands: Patterns and Processes in a Changing Environment. . Heathlands: Patterns and Processes in a Changing Environment. . Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers; 1993. pp. 85-124.
Farmer AM, Bareham SA. The Environmental Implications of UK Sulphur Emission Policy Options for England and Wales. Peterborough: Joint Nature Conservation Committee; 1993.
Bobbink R, Boxman D, Fremstad E, Heil G, Houdijk A, Roelofs J. Nitrogen eutrophication and critical load for nitrogen based upon changes in flora and fauna in (semi)-natural terrestrial ecosystems. 1993 :pp. 111-159.
Bobbink R, Boxman D, Fremstad E, Heil G, Houdijk A, Roelofs J. Nitrogen eutrophication and critical load for nitrogen based upon changes in flora and fauna in (semi)-natural terrestrial ecosystems. 1993 :pp. 111-159.
Black KE, Lowe JAH, Billett MF, Cresser MS. Observations on the changes in nitrate concentrations in seven upland moorland catchments in north eastern Scotland. Water Research. 1993 ;27:1195-1199.
Black KE, Lowe JAH, Billett MF, Cresser MS. Observations on the changes in nitrate concentrations in seven upland moorland catchments in north eastern Scotland. Water Research. 1993 ;27:1195-1199.
Lee JA, Parsons AN, Baxter R. Sphagnum species and polluted environments, past and future. Advances in Bryology . 1993 ;5:297-313.
Bissett K, Farmer AM. SSSIs in England at risk from acid rain. Peterborough; 1993.
Sketch CA, Bareham SA. Terrestrial SSSIs at risk from soil acidification in Wales. Bangor: Countryside Council for Wales; 1993.
