APIS Bibliography

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Parveen Z, Smart R, White C, Gammack S, Deacon C, Cresser M. Effects of Simulated Sulphuric Acid Deposition On Calluna Vulgaris/Peat Microcosms and Associated Soil Solutions. Chemistry and Ecology. 2001 ;17(4):293-314.
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Biesinger KE, Christensen GM. Effects of various metals on survival, growth, reproduction, and metabolism of Daphnia magna. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada. 1972 ;(29):1691-1700.
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Cape JN, van der Eerden LJ, Sheppard LJ, Leith ID, Sutton MA. Evidence for changing the critical level for ammonia. Environmental Pollution . 2009 ;157:1033-1037.
Macnair MR, Cumbes Q. Evidence that arsenic tolerance in Holcus lanatus L. is caused by an altered phosphate uptake system. New Phytologist. 1987 ;(107): 387-394.
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Bobbink R, Hicks K, Galloway J, Spranger T, Alkemade R, Ashmore M, Bustamante M, Cinderby S, Davidson E, Dentener F, et al. Global assessment of nitrogen deposition effects on terrestrial plant diversity: a synthesis. Ecological Applications. 2010 ;20(1):30-59.
Mitchell RJ, Truscott AM, Leith ID, Cape JN, van Dijk N, Tang YS, Fowler D, Sutton MA. Growth and tissue nitrogen of epiphytic Atlantic bryophytes: effects of increased and decreased atmospheric N deposition. Functional Ecology. 2004 ;18:322-329.
Evans CD, Monteith DT, Fowler D, Cape JN, Brayshaw S. Hydrochloric Acid: An Overlooked Driver of Environmental Change. Environmental Science and Technology. 2011 ;45:1887-1894.
Stevens CJ, Maskell LC, Smart SM, Caporn SJM, Dise NB, Gowing DJ. Identifying indicators of atmospheric nitrogen deposition impacts in acid grasslands. Biological Conservation. 2009 ;142:2069-2075.
Mills G, Hayes F, Jones MLM, Cinderby S. Identifying ozone-sensitive communities of (semi-)natural vegetation suitable for mapping exceedance of critical levels. Environmental Pollution. 2007 ;146:736-743.
Mercado LM, Bellouin N, Sitch S, Boucher O, Huntingford C, Wild M, Cox PM. Impact of changes in diffuse radiation on the global land carbon sink. Nature. 2009 ;458:1014-1018.
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Phoenix GK, Emmett BA, Britton AJ, Caporn SJM, Dise NB, Helliwell R, Jones MLM, Leake JR, Leith ID, Sheppard LJ, et al. Impacts of atmospheric nitrogen deposition: responses of multiple plant and soil parameters across contrasting ecosystems in long-term field experiments. Global Change Biology. 2012 ;18:1197-1215.
Wilson T, Cole J, Cronin S, Stewart C, Johnston D. Impacts on agriculture following the 1991 eruption of Vulcan Hudson, Patagonia: lessons for recovery. Natural Hazards. 2011 ;57:185-212.
Wilson T, Cole J, Cronin S, Stewart C, Johnston D. Impacts on agriculture following the 1991 eruption of Vulcan Hudson, Patagonia: lessons for recovery. Natural Hazards. 2011 ;57:185-212.
Sitch S, Cox PM, Collins WJ, Huntingford C. Indirect radiative forcing of climate change through ozone effects on the land-carbon sink. Nature. 2007 ;(7).
Sitch S, Cox PM, Collins WJ, Huntingford C. Indirect radiative forcing of climate change through ozone effects on the land-carbon sink. Nature. 2007 ;(7).
