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Calatayud A, Temple PJ, Barreno E. Chlorophyll a fluorescence emission, xanthophyll cycle activity and net photosynthetic rate responses to ozone in some foliose and fruticose lichen species. Photosynthetica. 2000 ;38:281-286.
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Rousk J, Brooks PC, Bååth E. Contrasting soil pH effects on fungal and bacterial growth suggest functional redundancy in carbon mineralization. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2009 ;75(6):1589-1596.
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Fuhrer J, Martin MVal, Mills G, Heald CL, Harmens H, Hayes F, Sharps K, Bender J, Ashmore MR. Current and future ozone risks to global terrestrial biodiversity and ecosystem processes. Ecology and Evolution. 2016 ;6(24C):8785 - 8799.
Van Den Berg LJ, Dorland E, Vergeer P, Hart MAC, Bobbink R, Roelofs JG. Decline of acid‐sensitive plant species in heathland can be attributed to ammonium toxicity in combination with low pH. New Phytologist. 2005 ;166(2):551-564.
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Beebee TJC, Flower RJ, Stevenson AC, Patrick ST, Appleby PG, Fletcher C, Marsh C, Natkanski J, Rippey B, Batterby R. Decline of the natterjack toad Bufo clamita in Britain: Paleoecological, documentary and experimental evidence for breeding site acidification. Biological Conservation. 1990 ;53:1-20.
Beebee TJC, Flower RJ, Stevenson AC, Patrick ST, Appleby PG, Fletcher C, Marsh C, Natkanski J, Rippey B, Batterby R. Decline of the natterjack toad Bufo clamita in Britain: Paleoecological, documentary and experimental evidence for breeding site acidification. Biological Conservation. 1990 ;53:1-20.
Barnes J, Owens NJP. Denitrification and nitrous oxide concentration in the Humber Estuary, UK, and Adjacent Coastal zones. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 1998 ;37:247-260.
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