APIS Bibliography

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Skeffington RA, Wilson EJ. The effects of excess nitrogen deposition on young Norway spruce trees. Part I: the soil. Environmental Pollution. 1994 ;86:141-151.
Skeffington RA, Wilson EJ. The effects of excess nitrogen deposition on young Norway spruce trees. Part I: the vegetation. Environmental Pollution. 1994 ;86:153-160.
Ormerod SJ, Rundle SD. Effects of experimental acidification and liming on terrestrial invertebrates: implications for calcium availability to vertebrates. Environmental Pollution. 1998 ;103:183-191.
Hallbdcken L, Zhang LQ. Effects of experimental acidification, nitrogen addition and liming on ground vegetation in a mature stand of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in SE Sweden. Forest Ecology and Management . 1998 ;108:201-213.
Dirske GM, Martakis GFP. Effects of fertiliser on bryophytes in Swedish experiments on forest fertilisation. Biological Conservation. 1992 ;59:155-161.
Holopainen JK, Kainulainen P, Oksanen J. Effects of gaseous air pollutants on aphid performance on Scots pine and Norway spruce seedlings. . Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:1431-1436.
Veer MAC, Kooijman AM. Effects of grass-encroachment on vegetation and soil in Dutch dry dune grasslands. Plant and Soil . 1998 ;192:119-128.
Gove B, Power S, Buckley GP, Ghazoul J. Effects of herbicide spray drift and fertiliser over-spread on selected species of woodland ground flora: Comparison between short-term and long-term impact assessments and field surveys. Journal of Applied Ecology. 2007 ;44:374-384.
Yamaguchi M, Otani Y, Li P, Nagao H, Lenggoro IW, Ishida A, Yazaki K, Nogucki K, Nakaba S, Yamane K, et al. Effects of long-term exposure to ammonium sulfate particles on growth and gas exchange rates of Fagus crenata, Castanopsis sieboldii, Larix kaempferi and Cryptomeria japonica seedlings. Atmospheric Environment. 2014 :1-8.
Ashenden TW. The effects of long-term exposures to SO2 and NO2 pollution on the growth of Dactylis glomerata L. and Poa pratensis L. Environmental Pollution. 1979 ;18:249-258.
Plassmann K, Edwards-Jones G, Jones MLM. The effects of low levels of nitrogen deposition and grazing on dune grassland. Science of the Total Environment. 2009 ;407:1391-1404.
Beattie RC, Tyler-Jones R. The Effects of Low Ph and Aluminum on Breeding Success in the Frog Rana-Temporaria. Journal of Herpetology . 1992 ;26:353-360.
Christensen ER, Scherfig J, Dixon PS. Effects of manganese, copper and lead on Selenastrum capricornutum and Chlorella stigmatophora. Water Research. 1979 ;(13):79-92.
Hauck M, Paul A, Mulack C, Fritz E, Runge M. Effects of manganese on the viability of vegetative diaspores of the epiphytic lichen Hypogymnia physodes. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2002 ;(47):127-142.
Poser SA, Ashmore MR, Cousins D, Sheppard LJ. Effects of N additions on the stress sensitivity of Calluna vulgaris. . New Phytologist. 1998 ;138:663-673.
Alexander IJ, Fairley RI. Effects of N fertilisation on populations of fine roots and mycorrhizas in spruce humus. Plant and Soil . 1983 ;71:49-53.
Pearce IFK, Van der Wal R. Effects of nitrogen deposition on growth and survival of montane Racomitrium lanuginosum heath. Biological Conservation. 2002 ;104:83-89.
Sabaratnam S, Gupta G. Effects of nitrogen dioxide on biochemical and physiological characteristics of soybean. Environmental Pollution. 1988 ;55:149-158.
Ashenden TW, Bell SA, Rafarel CR. Effects of nitrogen dioxide pollution on the growth of 3 fern species. Environmental Pollution . 1990 ;66:301-308.
Mäkipää R. Effects of nitrogen fertilisation on the humus layer vegetation under closed canopy in boreal coniferous stands. Silva Fennica. 1994 ;28:81-94.
Pedersen LB, Bille-Hansen J. Effects of nitrogen load to the forest floor in Sitka spruce stands as affected by differences in deposition and spruce aphid infestations. . Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:1173-1178.
Morris JT. Effects of nitrogen loading on wetland ecosystems, with particular reference to atmospheric deposition. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics . 1991 ;22:257-279.
Morgan SM, Lee JA, Ashenden TW. Effects of Nitrogen-Oxides on Nitrate Assimilation in Bryophytes. New Phytologist. 1992 ;120:89-97.
Roem WJ, Klees H, Berendse F. Effects of nutrient addition and acidification on plant species diversity and seed germination in heathland. Journal of Applied Ecology. 2002 ;39:937-948.
Vermeer JG. The effects of nutrients on shoot biomass and species composition of wetland and hayfield communities. Acta Oecologica/ Oecologica Plant. . 1986 ;7:31-41.
