APIS Bibliography

Lepisto A, Andersson L, Arheimer B, Sundblad K. Influence of catchment characteristics, forestry activities and deposition on nitrogen export from small forested catchments. Water Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;84:81-102.
Schumann A, Mills HA. Injury of leatherleaf fern and tomato from volatilized ammonia after fertilizer application. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 1995 ;19:573-593.
Pirez-Soba M, Dueck TA, Puppi G, Kuiper PJC. Inter actions of elevated CO2, NH3 and O3 on mycorrhizal infection, gas exchange and N metabolism in seedlings of Scots pine. Plant and Soil . 1995 ;176:107-116.
Perez-Soba M, Dueck TA, Puppi G, Kuiper PJC. Interactions of elevated CO2, NH3 and O3 on mycorrhizal infection, gas exchange and N metabolism in saplings of Scots pine. Plant and Soil. 1995 ;176:107-116.
Lorenze M. International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:1221-1226.
Gauslaa Y. Lobarion, an epiphytic community of ancient forests threatened by acid rain. Lichenologist. 1995 ;27:59-76.
Power S, Ashmore MR, Cousins DA, Ainsworth N. Long term effects of enhanced nitrogen deposition on a lowland dry heath in southern Britain. . Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:1701-1706.
Beier C, Hultberg H, Moldan F, Wright RF. MAGIC applied to roof experiments to evaluate the rate of reversibility of acidification following experimentally reduced acid deposition. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:1745-1751.
Bobbink R, Roelofs JGM, Hornung (E)M, Sutton (E)MA, Wilson [E]RB. Mapping and modelling of critical loads for nitrogen - a workshop report. Bush: Institute of Terrestrial Ecology; 1995 pp. 9-19.
Hornung (E)M, Sutton (E)MA, Wilson [E]RB. Mapping and modelling of critical loads for nitrogen - a workshop report. Grange-over-Sands, Cumbria, UK. . UN-ECE Convention on Long Range . 1995 .
Hornung M, Sutton MA, Wilson [E]RB. Mapping and modelling of critical loads for nitrogen - a workshop report. Cumbria, UK: Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Edinburgh, UK.; 1995.
Hornung (E)M, Sutton (E)MA, Wilson [E]RB. Mapping and modelling of critical loads for nitrogen - a workshop report. . Edinburgh: Institute of Terrestrial Ecology; 1995.
de Vries W, Latour JB. Methods to derive critical loadsfor nitrogen for terrestrial ecosystems. Penicuik: Institute of Terrestrial Ecology; 1995 pp. 20-33.
Marschner H. Mineral nutrition of higher plants. Second Edition. Academic Press Ltd.; 1995.
Rudawska M, Kieliszewska-Rocicka B, Leski T, Oleksyn J. Mycorrhizal studies of a Scots Pine plantation affected by pollution from a phosphate fertiliser plant. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:1281-1286.
Bobbink R, Roelofs JGM. Nitrogen critical loads for natural and semi-natural ecosystems: the empirical approach. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:2413-2418.
Tamm CO, Aronsson A, Popovic B. Nitrogen saturation in a long-term forest experiment with annual additions of nitrogen. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:1683-1688.
Kopácek J, Procházková L, Stuchlík E, Blacka P. The nitrogen-phosphorus relationship in mountain lakes: Influence of atmospheric input, watershed, and pH. Limnology and Oceanography. 1995 ;40:930-937.
Abrahamsen G, Erstad KJ. Nutrient balance in Scots Pine Forest I: Design of experiments. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:1125-1130.
Allott TEH, Golding PNE, Harriman R. A palaeolimnological assessment of the impact of acid deposition on surface waters in northwest Scotland, a region of high sea salt inputs. Water, Air and Soil Pollution . 1995 ;85:2425-2430.
Davison AW, Reiling K. A rapid change in ozone resistance of Plantago major after summers with high ozone concentrations. New Phytologist . 1995 ;131:227-343.
Munzenberger B, Schminke B, Strubelt F, Huettl RF. Reaction of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal Scots Pine fine roots along a deposition gradient of air pollutants in eastern Germany. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:1191-1196.
Power S, Ashmore MR, Ling KA. Recent trends in beech tree health in southern Britain and the influence of soil type. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:1293-1298.
Raitio H, Tuovinen JP, Anttila P. Relation between sulphur concentrations in Scots Pine needles and the air in northernmost Europe. . Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:1361-1366.
Harriman R, Bridcut EE, Anderson H. The relationship between salmonid fish densities and critical ANC at exceeded and non-exceeded stream sites in Scotland. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:2455-2460.
