APIS Bibliography

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Lawrence PA, Ashenden TW. Effects of acidic gases and mists on the reproductive capability of 3 fern species. Environmental Pollution. 1993 ;79:267-270.
Lawton (E)JH, Moreno (E)JM, Strewe (E)S. Ecosystem research and the European Union policy needs. Toledo, Spain: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha; 1998.
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Ledger ME, Hildrew AG. The ecology of acidification and recovery: changes in herbivore-algal food web linkages across a stream pH gradient. Environmental Pollution. 2005 ;137:103-118.
Lee JA, Caporn SJM, Carroll J, Foot JP, Johnson D, Potter L, Taylor AFS, Bates (E)JW, Ashton (E)NW, Ducken JG. Bryology for the Twenty-first Century. In: ; 1998. pp. 331-341.
Lee JA, Caporn SJM. Ecological effects of atmospheric reactive N deposition on semi-natural terrestrial ecosystems. New Phytologist. 1998 ;139:127-134.
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Lee JA. Unintentional experiments with terrestrial ecosystems: ecological effects of sulphur and nitrogen pollutants. Journal of Ecology. 1998 ;86:1-12.
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Lee JA, Parsons AN, Baxter R. Sphagnum species and polluted environments, past and future. Advances in Bryology . 1993 ;5:297-313.
Legge AH, Krupa SV. Effects of sulphur dioxide. In: Air Pollution and plant life. 2ndnd ed. Air Pollution and plant life. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons; 2002. pp. 135-162.
Lehtila K, Syrjanen K. Compensatory responses of 2 melampyrum species after damage. . Functional Ecology. 1995 ;9:511-517.
Leith I, van Dijk N, Pitcairn CER, Wolseley PA, Whitfield CP, Sutton MA. Biomonitoring methods for assessing the impacts of nitrogen pollution: refinement and testing. JNCC; 2005.
Leith ID, Sheppard LJ, Fowler D, Cape JN, Jones MR, Crossley A, Hargreaves KJ, Tang YS, Theobald MR, Sutton MA. Quantifying dry NH3 release system to ombrotrophic bog from an automated NH3 field release system. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution: Focus. 2004 ;4:207-218.
Leith ID, Fowler D. Urban distribution of Rhytisma acerinum (Pers.) Fries (tar spot) on sycamore. New Phytologist. 1988 ;108:175-181.
Leith ID, Sheppard LJ, Pitcairn CER, Cape JN, Hill PW, Kennedy VH, Tang YS, Smith RI, D. F. Comparison of the effects of dry deposited N as NH3 with wet deposited N as NH4Cl on acid moorland vegetation. Water Air and Soil Pollution (In press). 2001 .
Lepisto A, Andersson L, Arheimer B, Sundblad K. Influence of catchment characteristics, forestry activities and deposition on nitrogen export from small forested catchments. Water Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;84:81-102.
Li YM, Chaney RL, Siebielec G, Kerschner BA. Response of four turfgrass cultivars to limestone and biosolids-compost amendment of a zinc and cadmium contaminated soil at Palmerton, Pennsylvania. Journal of Environmental Quality. 2000 ;(29):1440-1447.
Lidon FC. Rice plant structural changes by addition of excess manganese. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 2002 ;(25):287-296.
Lien L, Raddum GG, Fjellheim A, Henriksen A. A critical limit for acid neutralizing capacity in Norwegian surface waters, based on new analyses of fish and invertebrate responses. Science of the Total Environment . 1996 ;177:173-193.
Lima AR, Curtis C, Hammermeister DE, Markee TP, Northcott CE, Brooke LT. Acute and chronic toxicities of arsenic (III) to fathead minnows, flagfish, daphnids and an amphipod. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 1984 ;(13):595-601.
Limpens J, Tomassen HBM, Berendse F. Expansion of Sphagnum fallax in bogs: striking the balance between N and P availability. Journal of Bryology. 2003 ;25:83-90.
Limpens J, Sheppard LJ, Leith ID. Climatic modifiers of the response to N deposition in peat-forming Sphagnum mosses: a meta-analysis. New Phytologist. 2011 ;191:496-507.
Lin ZQ, Schuepp PH, Schemenauer RS, Kennedy GG. Trace metal contamination in and on Balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L) mill.) foliage in Southern Quebec, Canada. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;(81):175-191.
Lindsay R, Immirzi P. An inventory of lowland raised bogs in Great Britain. Battleby: Scottish Natural Heritage; 1996.
