APIS Bibliography

Angold PG. The impact of a road upon adjacent heathland vegetation: Effects on plant species composition. Journal of Applied Ecology . 1997 ;34:409-417.
Ek H. The influence of nitrogen fertilization on the carbon economy of Paxillus involutus in ectomycorrhizal association with Betula pendula. New Phytologist. 1997 ;135:133-142.
Palmieri F, Neri R, Benco C, Serracca L. Lichens and moss as bioindicators and bioaccumulators in air pollution monitoring. Journal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology and Oncology. 1997 ;(16):175-190.
Uren SC, Ainsworth N, Power S, Cousins DA, Huxendurp LM, Ashmore MR. Long term effects of ammonium sulphate on Calluna vulgaris. Journal of Applied Ecology . 1997 ;34:208-216.
Jordan C. Mapping of rainfall chemistry in Ireland 1972-94. Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 1997 ;97B:53-73.
Carroll JA, Caporn SJM, Morecrof MD, Lee JA, Johnson D, Taylor A, Leake JR, Campbell CD, Cawley L, Lei Y, et al. Natural vegetation responses to atmospheric nitrogen deposition - critical levels and loads of nitrogen for vegetation growing on contrasting native soils. Sheneld: University of Sheneld; 1997.
Temminghoff EJM, Van der Zee SEATM, De Haan FAM. opper mobility in a copper-contaminated sandy soil as affected by pH and solid and dissolved organic matter. Environmental Science & Technology. 1997 ;(31).
PORG. Ozone in the United Kingdom 1997. London: Department of the Environment; 1997.
Group POR. Ozone in the United Kingdom - 4th Report of the Photochemical Oxidants Review Group. London: DETR; 1997.
Eeva T, E. L, Pohjalainen T. Pollution-related variation in food supply and breeding success in two hole-nesting passerines. Ecology. 1997 ;78:1120-1131.
Strong KM, Lennox SD, Smith RV. Predicting nitrate concentrations in Northern Ireland rivers using time series analysis. Journal of Environmental Quality. 1997 ;26:1599-1604.
Carreira JA, Harrison AF, Sheppard LJ, Woods C. Reduced soil P availability in a Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong) Carr) plantation induced by applied acid-mist: Significance in forest decline. Forest Ecology and Management . 1997 ;92:53-166.
Paal J, Fremstad E, Mols T. Responses of Norwegian alpine Betula nana community to nitrogen fertilization. Canadian Journal of Botany . 1997 ;75:108-120.
Shertsova A, Neuvonen S. Responses on ground vegetation to prolonged simulated acid rain in sub-artic pine-birch forest. 1997 .
IPCC, Houghton JT, Meira Filho LG, Lim K, Trennton I, Mamaty I, Bonduki Y, Griggs DJ, Callander BA. Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. 1997 ;1 - 3.
Anfossi D, Sandroni S. Short communication: Ozone levels in Paris one century ago. Atmospheric Environment . 1997 ;31(20):3481-3482.
Soares A, Pearson J. Short-term physiological responses of mosses to atmospheric ammonium and nitrate. . Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1997 ;93:225-242.
Hessen DO, Hindar A, Holtan G. The significance of nitrogen runoff for eutrophication of freshwater and marine recipients. Ambio. 1997 ;26:312-320.
de Klein CAM, Monaghan RM, Sinclair AG. Soil acidification: a provisional model for New Zealand pastoral systems. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 1997 ;40(4):541-557.
Crossley A, Sheppard LJ, Cape JN, Smith RI, Harvey F. Stem growth reductions in mature Sitka spruce trees exposed to acid mist. Environmental Pollution. 1997 ;96:185-193.
Nybx S, Staurnes M, Erstad KJ. Thinner eggshells of dipper (Cinclus cinclus) eggs from an acidified area compared to a non-acidified area in Norway. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1997 ;93:255-266.
Tarhanen S, Holopainen T, Oskanen J. Ultrastructural changes and electrolyte leakage from ozone fumigated epiphytic lichens. Annals of Botany. 1997 ;80:611-621.
Moss B, Beklioglu M, Carvalho L, Kilinc S, McGowan S, Stephen D. Vertically-challenged limnology; Contrasts between deep and shallow lakes. Hydrobiologia. 1997 ;342:257-267.
