APIS Bibliography

Van Herk CM, Mathijssen-Spiekman EAM, De Zwart D. Long distance nitrogen air pollution effects on lichens in Europe. Lichenologist. 2003 ;35:347-359.
Uren SC, Ainsworth N, Power S, Cousins DA, Huxendurp LM, Ashmore MR. Long term effects of ammonium sulphate on Calluna vulgaris. Journal of Applied Ecology . 1997 ;34:208-216.
Power S, Ashmore MR, Cousins DA, Ainsworth N. Long term effects of enhanced nitrogen deposition on a lowland dry heath in southern Britain. . Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:1701-1706.
McKim JM, Olson GF, Holcombe GW, Hunt CP. Long term effects of methylmercuric chloride on three generations of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis): toxicity, accumulation, distribution and elimination. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada. 1976 ;(33):2726-2739.
Jenkins GB, Woodward G, Hildrew AG. Long-term amelioration of acidity accelerates decomposition in headwater streams. Global Change Biology. 2013 ;19:1100-1106.
Ormerod SJ, Tyler SJ. Long-term change in the suitability of welsh streams for dippers Cinclus cinclus as a result of acidification and recovery: A modelling study. Environmental Pollution. 1989 ;62:171-182.
Harriman R, Morrison BRS, Caines LA, Collen P, Watt AW. Long-term changes in fish populations of acid streams and lochs in Galloway south West Scotland. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1987 ;32:89-112.
Green RE. Long-term decline in the thickness of eggshells of thrushes, Turdus spp., in Britain. Proceedings of the Royal Society . 1998 ;265:679-684.
Pukacki PM, Kaminska-Rozak E. Long-term implications of industrial pollution stress on lipids composition in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) roots. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum . 2002 ;24(3):249-255.
Morsky SK, Haapala JK, Rinnan R, Tiiva P, Saarnio S, Silvola J, Holopainen T, Martikainen PJ. Long-term ozone effects on vegetation, microbial community and methane dynamics of boreal peatland microcosms in open-field conditions. . Global Change Biology. 2008 ;14(8):1891-1903.
Gauci V, Dise N, Blake S. Long-term suppression of wetland methane flux following a pulse of simulated acid rain. Geophysical Research Letters. 2005 ;32(12).
McCartney AG, Harriman R, Watt AW, Moore DW, Taylor EM, Collen P, Keay EJ. Long-term trends in pH, aluminium and dissolved organic carbon in Scottish fresh waters; implications for brown trout (Salmo trutta) survival. Science of The Total Environment. 2003 ;310:133-141.
Soulsby C, Turnbull D, Langan SJ, Owen R, Hirst D. Long-term trends in stream chemistry and biology in Northeast Scotland: Evidence for recovery. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1996 ;85:689-694.
Layer K, Hildrew A, Monteith DON, Woodward GUY. Long-term variation in the littoral food web of an acidified mountain lake. Global Change Biology. 2010 ;16:3133-3143.
Stevens CJ, Dise NB, Gowing DJ, Mountford JO. Loss of forb diversity in relation to nitrogen deposition in the UK: regional trends and potential controls. Global Change Biology. 2006 ;12:1823-1833.
Remke E, Brouwer E, Kooijman A, Blindow A, Roelofs JGM. Low atmospheric nitrogen loads lead to grass encroachment in coastal dunes, but only on acid soils. Ecosystems. 2009 ;12:1173–1188.
Ormerod SJ, Wade KR, Gee AS. Macro-floral assemblages in upland Welsh streams in relation to acidity and their importance to invertebrates. Freshwater Biology. 1987 ;18:545-557.
Vickery JA, Tallowin JR, Feber RE, Asteraki EJ, Atkinson PW, Fuller RJ, Brown VK. The management of lowland neutral grasslands in Britain: effects of agricultural practices on birds and their food resources. Journal of Applied Ecology. 2001 ;38:647–664.
Garg VK, Garg SK, Tyagi SK. Manganese induced haematological and biochemical anomalies in Heteropneustes fossilis. Journal of Environmental Biology. 1989 ;(10):Journal of Environmental Biology.
Kitao M, Lei TT, Nakamura T, Koike T. Manganese toxicity as indicated by visible foliar symptoms of Japanese white birch (Betula platyphylla var. japonica). Environmental Pollution. 2000 ;(111):89-94.
Hornung (E)M, Sutton (E)MA, Wilson [E]RB. Mapping and modelling of critical loads for nitrogen - a workshop report. Grange-over-Sands, Cumbria, UK. . UN-ECE Convention on Long Range . 1995 .
Van Herk CM. Mapping of ammonia pollution with epiphytic lichens in the Netherlands. Lichenologist. 1999 ;31:9-20.
Jordan C. Mapping of rainfall chemistry in Ireland 1972-94. Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 1997 ;97B:53-73.
Stauber JL, Florence TM. Mechanism of toxicity of zinc to the marine diatom Nitzschia closterium. Marine Biology. 1990 ;(105):519-524.
Gibbs RJ. Mechanisms controlling world water chemistry. Science. 1970 ;170:1088-1090.
