APIS Bibliography

Brown SL, Chaney RL, Angle JS, Ryan JA. The phytoavailability of cadmium to lettuce in long-term biosolids-amended soils. Journal of Environmental Quality. 1998 ;(27):1071-1078.
Eeva T, E. L. Pollution - Recovery of breeding success in wild birds. . Nature. 1998 ;403:851-852.
Jauhiainen J, Wallen B, Malmer N. Potential NH4+ & NO3- uptake in seven Sphagnum species. New Phytol. 1998 ;138:287-293.
Grimwood M, Dixon E, Bailey K, Dunning J. Proposed Environmental Quality Standards for Cobalt in Water. Medmenham: Water Research Centre; 1998.
Grimwood M, Dixon E, Bailey K, Dunning J. Proposed Environmental Quality Standards for Cobalt in Water.; 1998.
Robins NS. The quality of shallow groundwaters in Northern Ireland. Journal of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management . 1998 ;12:163-169.
Fowler D, Sutton MA, Smith RI, Pitcairn CER, Coyle M, l Campbel G, Stedman J. Regional mass budgets of oxidized and reduced nitrogen and their relative contribution to the N inputs of sensitive ecosystems. Environmental Pollutution (Nitrogen Conference Special Issue). 1998 ;102:337-342.
Pitcairn CER, Leith ID, Sheppard LJ, Sutton MA, Fowler D, Munro RC, Tang S, Wilson D. The relationship between nitrogen deposition, species composition and foliar nitrogen concentrations in woodland flora in the vicinity of livestock farms. Environmental Pollution . 1998 ;102:41-48.
Hyvdrinen M, P.D. C. Relationships between atmospheric nitrogen inputs and the vertical nitrogen and phosphorus concentration gradients in the lichen Cladonia portentosa. New Phytologist. 1998 ;140:519-530.
Howe PD. A review of boron effects in the environment. Biological Trace Element Research. 1998 ;(66):153-166.
and Service EH. River Habitat Quality. Belfast: Environment and Heritage Service; 1998.
and Service EH. River Quality in Northern Ireland 1995. Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland; 1998.
Vosatka M, Dodd JC. The role of different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the growth of Calamagrostis villosa and Deschampsia flexuosa, in experiments with simulated acid rain. Plant and Soil . 1998 ;200:251-263.
Vaughan GT, Greenslade PM. Sensitive bioassays for risk assessment of contaminated soils. Sydney: CSIRO Division of Coal and Energy Technology; 1998.
Sanchez-Camazano M, Sanchez-Martin MJ, Lorenzo LF. Significance of soil properties for content and distribution of cadmium and lead in natural calcareous soils. Science of the Total Environment. 1998 ;(218):217-226.
Skiba U, Sheppard LJ, Pitcairn CER, Leith ID, Crossley A, van Dijk S, Kennedy VJ, Fowler D. Soil nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions as indicators of the exceedance of critical loads of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in semi-natural ecosystems. Environmental Pollution. 1998 ;102(S1):457-461.
Pyatt FB, Lacy D, Pyatt AJ. Some effects of acid rain on the mobilisation of elements from bird eggs. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin . 1998 ;7:334-337.
Weimer V, Schmidt KJ. Studies on the egg quality of the Great Tit (Parus major) in relation to soil-condition. Journal Fur Ornithologie . 1998 ;139:3-9.
Thompson A, Bottrell S. Sulphur isotopic investigation of a polluted raised bog and the uptake of pollutant sulphur by Sphagnum. Environmental Pollution. 1998 ;101:201-207.
Seaward MRD. Time-space analyses of the British lichen flora, with particular reference to air quality surveys. Folia Cryptog. Estonica, Fasc. . 1998 ;32:85-96.
Salway AG. UK Greenhouse Gas Inventory, 1990 - 1996. Culham, Oxon, UK: AEA Technology; 1998.
Salway AG. UK Greenhouse Gas Inventory, 1990-1996. Culham, Oxon., UK: AEA Technology; 1998.
Guderian R. UNECE Critical Levels Workshop Proceedings. In: Bad Harzburg; 1998. pp. 79-104.
Lee JA. Unintentional experiments with terrestrial ecosystems: ecological effects of sulphur and nitrogen pollutants. Journal of Ecology. 1998 ;86:1-12.
Prescott GJ, Cohen GR, Elton RA, Fowkes FGR, Agius RM. Urban Air Pollution and Cardiopulmonary Ill-Health - A 14.5 Year Time Series Study. Occup. Environ. Med. 1998 ;55:697-704.
