APIS Bibliography

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Kothny EL. Palladium in plant ash. Plant and Soil. 1979 ;(53):547-550.
Gauslaa Y, Kopperud C, Solhaug KA. Optimal quantum yield of photosystem II and chlorophyll degradation of Lobaria pulmonaria in relation to pH Lichenologist. 1996 ;28:267-278.
Kooijman AM, Dopheide JCR, Sevink J, Takken I, Verstraten JM. Nutrient limitations and their implications on the effects of atmospheric deposition in coastal dunes; lime-poor and lime- rich sites in the Netherlands. Journal of Ecology . 1998 ;86(3):511-526.
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Nadelhoffer, Emmett BA, Gundersen P, Kjonaas OJ, Koopmans CJ, Schleppi P, Tietema A, Wright RF. Nitrogen deposition makes a minor contribution to carbon sequestration in temperate forests. Nature. 1999 ;398:145-148.
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Mills G, Pleijel H, Braun S, Buker P, Bermejo V, Calvo E, Danielsson H, Emberson L, I. Fernandez G, Grunhage L, et al. New stomatal flux-based critical levels for ozone effects on vegetation. Atmospheric Environment. 2011 ;45:5064-5068.
Emmett BA, Kjønaas OJ, Gundersen P, Koopmans CJ, Tietema A, Sleep D. Natural abundance of 15N in forests across a nitrogen deposition gradient. Forest Ecology and Management. 1998 ;101:9–18.
Emmett BA, Kjønaas OJ, Gundersen P, Koopmans CJ, Tietema A, Sleep D. Natural abundance of 15N in forests across a nitrogen deposition gradient. Forest Ecology and Management. 1998 ;101:9–18.
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Kitao M, Lei TT, Nakamura T, Koike T. Manganese toxicity as indicated by visible foliar symptoms of Japanese white birch (Betula platyphylla var. japonica). Environmental Pollution. 2000 ;(111):89-94.
Kitao M, Lei TT, Nakamura T, Koike T. Manganese toxicity as indicated by visible foliar symptoms of Japanese white birch (Betula platyphylla var. japonica). Environmental Pollution. 2000 ;(111):89-94.
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Korthals GW, Bongers M, Fokkema A, Dueck TA, Lexmond TM. Joint toxicity of copper and zinc to a terrestrial nematode community in an acid sandy soil. Ecotoxicology. 2000 ;(9 ):219-228.
Korthals GW, Bongers M, Fokkema A, Dueck TA, Lexmond TM. Joint toxicity of copper and zinc to a terrestrial nematode community in an acid sandy soil. Ecotoxicology. 2000 ;(9): 219-228.
Perez-Soba M, Dueck TA, Puppi G, Kuiper PJC. Interactions of elevated CO2, NH3 and O3 on mycorrhizal infection, gas exchange and N metabolism in saplings of Scots pine. Plant and Soil. 1995 ;176:107-116.
Pirez-Soba M, Dueck TA, Puppi G, Kuiper PJC. Inter actions of elevated CO2, NH3 and O3 on mycorrhizal infection, gas exchange and N metabolism in seedlings of Scots pine. Plant and Soil . 1995 ;176:107-116.
