APIS Bibliography

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Sheppard LJ, Crossley A, Harvey F, Parrington J, White CC. Early effects of acid mist on Sitka spruce planted on acid peat. Phyton (Horn Austria). 1998 ;39:1-25.
Lee JA, Caporn SJM. Ecological effects of atmospheric reactive N deposition on semi-natural terrestrial ecosystems. New Phytologist. 1998 ;139:127-134.
Lawton (E)JH, Moreno (E)JM, Strewe (E)S. Ecosystem research and the European Union policy needs. Toledo, Spain: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha; 1998.
Funetes JMC, Rowe JG. The effect of air pollution from nitrogen dioxide (NO2) on epiphytic lichens in Seville, Spain. Aerobiolobia. 1998 ;14:241-247.
Bobbink R, Hornung M, Roelofs JGM. The effects of air-borne nitrogen pollutants on species diversity in natural and semi-natural European vegetation. Journal of Ecology. 1998 ;86:717-738.
Van der Eerden LJM, de Vries W, van Dobben H. Effects of ammonia deposition on forests in the Netherlands. Atmospheric Environment . 1998 ;32:525-532.
van der Eerden L, de Vries W, van Dobben H. Effects of ammonia deposition on forests in the Netherlands. Atmospheric Environment. 1998 ;32(3)(Ammonia Special Issue):525-532.
Van Dobben HJ, Ter Braak CJF. Effects of atmospheric NH3 on epiphytic lichens in the Netherlands: the pitfalls of biological monitoring. Atmospheric Environment . 1998 ;32:551-557.
van Dobben HF, Ter Braak CJF. Effects of atmospheric NH3 on epiphytic lichens in the Netherlands: The pitfalls of biological monitoring. Atmospheric Environment . 1998 ;32:551-557.
Kerslake JE, Woodin SJ, Hartley SE. Effects of carbon dioxide and nitrogen enrichment on a plantinsect interaction: the quality of Calluna vulgaris as a host for Operophtera brumata. New Phytologist. 1998 ;140:43-53.
Ormerod SJ, Rundle SD. Effects of experimental acidification and liming on terrestrial invertebrates: implications for calcium availability to vertebrates. Environmental Pollution. 1998 ;103:183-191.
Hallbdcken L, Zhang LQ. Effects of experimental acidification, nitrogen addition and liming on ground vegetation in a mature stand of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in SE Sweden. Forest Ecology and Management . 1998 ;108:201-213.
Veer MAC, Kooijman AM. Effects of grass-encroachment on vegetation and soil in Dutch dry dune grasslands. Plant and Soil . 1998 ;192:119-128.
Poser SA, Ashmore MR, Cousins D, Sheppard LJ. Effects of N additions on the stress sensitivity of Calluna vulgaris. . New Phytologist. 1998 ;138:663-673.
Davison AW, Barnes JD. Effects of ozone on wild plants. New Phytologist . 1998 ;139:135-151.
Nordin A, Näsholm T, Ericson L. Effects of simulated N deposition on understorey vegetation of a boreal coniferous forest. Functional Ecology. 1998 ;12:691-699.
UNEP. Environmental effects of ozone depletion: 1998 assessment. In: UNEP. UNEP. Nairobi; 1998. Available from: http://www.gcrio.org/ozone/toc.html
WHO. Environmental Health Criteria 200 Copper. Geneva: World Health Organisation; 1998.
WHO. Environmental Health Criteria 200 Copper. Geneva: World Health Organization; 1998.
