APIS Bibliography

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Warrington S, Mansfield TA, Whittaker JB. Effect of SO2 on the Reproduction of Pea Aphids, Acyrthosiphon- Pisum, and the Impact of SO2 and Aphids on the Growth and Yield of Peas. Environmental Pollution. 1987 ;48:285-294.
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Weinstein LH, McCune DC, Aluisio AL, van Leuken P. The effect of sulphur dioxide on the incidence and severity of bean rust and early blight of tomato. Environmental Pollution. 1975 ;9:145-155.
Wang J, Liu Z. Effect of vanadium on the growth of soybean seedlings. Plant and Soil. 1999 ;(216):47-51.
Reiling K, Davison AW. Effects of a short ozone exposure given at different stages in the development of Plantago major L. New Phytologist. 1992 ;121:643-647.
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Lawrence PA, Ashenden TW. Effects of acidic gases and mists on the reproductive capability of 3 fern species. Environmental Pollution. 1993 ;79:267-270.
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Holyoak DT. Effects of atmosheric pollution on the distribution of Balea perversa (Linnaeus) (Pulmonata:Clausiliidae) in southern Britain. Journal of of Conchology . 1987 ;29:319-323.
Heijine B, Dueck TA, Van der Eerden LJM, Heil G. Effects of atmospheric ammonia and ammonium sulphate on vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal colonisation in three heathland species. New Phytologist. 1994 ;127:685-696.
Krupa SV. Effects of atmospheric ammonia (NH3) on terrestrial vegetation: a review. Environmental Pollution. 2003 ;124:179-221.
van Dobben HF, Ter Braak CJF. Effects of atmospheric NH3 on epiphytic lichens in the Netherlands: The pitfalls of biological monitoring. Atmospheric Environment . 1998 ;32:551-557.
Van Dobben HJ, Ter Braak CJF. Effects of atmospheric NH3 on epiphytic lichens in the Netherlands: the pitfalls of biological monitoring. Atmospheric Environment . 1998 ;32:551-557.
Yesmin L, Gammack SM, Cresser MS. Effects of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on ericoid mycorrhizal infection of Calluna vulgaris growing in peat soils. Applied Soil Ecology. 1996 ;4:49-60.
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Kerslake JE, Woodin SJ, Hartley SE. Effects of carbon dioxide and nitrogen enrichment on a plantinsect interaction: the quality of Calluna vulgaris as a host for Operophtera brumata. New Phytologist. 1998 ;140:43-53.
Pearson S, Davison AW, Reiling K, Ashenden TW, Ollerenshaw JH. The effects of different ozone exposures on three contrasting populations of Plantago major L. . New Phytologist. 1996 ;132:493-502.
Farmer AM. The effects of dust on vegetation - a review. Environmental Pollution. 1993 ;79:63-75.
Phoenix GK, Booth RE, Leake JR, Read DJ, Grime JP, Lee JA. Effects of enhanced nitrogen deposition and phosphorus limitation on nitrogen budgets of semi-natural grasslands. Global Change Biology. 2003 ;9:1309-1321.
