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Ormerod SJ, Woodin (E)SJ, Farmer (E)AM. The effects of acid deposition on nature conservation in Great Britain. Peterborough: Nature Conservancy Council; 1991 pp. p67-73.
Soutar RG, Woodin (E)SJ, Farmer (E)AM. The effects of acid deposition on nature conservation in Great Britain. Peterborough: Nature Conservancy Council; 1991 pp. 62-66.
Thompson DBA, Baddeley JA, Woodin (E)SJ, Farmer (E)AM. The effects of acid deposition on nature conservation in Great Britain. Peterborough: Nature Conservancy Council; 1991 pp. 17-28.
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Perkins DF, R.O. M. Effects of airborne fluoride emissions in Wales, Part 1. Environmental Pollution. 1987 ;47:63-78.
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Dueck TA, Dorèl FG, R.T. H, Van der Eerden LJM. Effects of ammonia, ammonium sulphate and sulphur dioxide on the frost sensitivity of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Water Air Soil Pollution. 1990 ;54 :35-49.
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Heijine B, Dueck TA, Van der Eerden LJM, Heil G. Effects of atmospheric ammonia and ammonium sulphate on vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal colonisation in three heathland species. New Phytologist. 1994 ;127:685-696.
Krupa SV. Effects of atmospheric ammonia (NH3) on terrestrial vegetation: a review. Environmental Pollution. 2003 ;124:179-221.
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