APIS Bibliography

Aaby B. Monitoring Danish raised bogs. In: Mires and Man: Mire Conservation in a Densely Populated Country - The Swiss Experience. Mires and Man: Mire Conservation in a Densely Populated Country - The Swiss Experience. ; 1994. pp. 284-300.
Granli T, Bøckman OC. Nitrous oxide from agriculture. Norwegian Journal of Agricultural Science Supplement. 1994 ;12:128.
Tallis JH. Pool-and-Hummock Patterning in a Southern Pennine Blanket Mire .2. The Formation and Erosion of the Pool System. Journal of Ecology . 1994 ;82:789-803.
Cosby BJ, Bulger AJ, Wright RF. Predicting recovery of freshwater ecosystems: trout in Norwegian lakes. (Steinberg CEW, Wright RF).; 1994 pp. 355-373.
Baddeley JA, Thompson DBA, Lee JA. Regional and historical variation in the nitrogen-content of Racomitrium lanuginosum in Britain In relation to atmospheric nitrogen deposition. Environmental Pollution. 1994 ;84:189-196.
Gaur JP, Noraho N, Cauhan YS. Relationship between heavy metal accumulation and toxicity in Spirodella polyrhiza and Azolla pinnata. Aquatic Botany. 1994 ;(49):183-192.
Forget E, Courchesne F, Kennedy G, Zayed J. Response of blue spruce (Picea pungens) to manganese pollution from MMT. Water Air and Soil Pollution. 1994 ;(73):319-324.
Billett MF. Scotland's soils: Research issues in developing a soil sustainability strategy. Perth: Scottish Natural Heritage; 1994 pp. 25-29.
Wilson EJ, Skeffington, R.A., Downer CJ, Maltby E, Immirzi P, Swanston C. Setting critical loads for dystrophic peat - a new approach. In: Acid Rain and its Impact: The Critical Loads Debate. Acid Rain and its Impact: The Critical Loads Debate. ; 1994.
Wilson EJ, Skeffington RA, Downer CJ, Maltby E, Immirzi P, Swanston C. Setting critical loads for dystrophic peat - a new approach. In: Battarbee R.W. (Ed): Acid Rain and its Impact: The Critical Loads Debate. London.: Environmental change Research Centre/ENSIS; 1994.
Hogborn L. Shoot nitrate reductase activities of field-layer species in different forest types. . Scandinavian Journal Forest Research . 1994 ;9:124-128.
Rimes CA, Farmer AM, Howell D l. ): A survey of the threat of surface water acidification to the nature conservation interest of fresh-waters on Sites of Special Scientific Interest in Britain. Aquatic Conservation - Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems . 1994 ;4:31-44.
Florence TM, Stauber JL, Ahsanullah M. Toxicity of nickel ores to marine organisms. Science of the Total Environment. 1994 ;(148):139-156.
for Effects WG. Transboundary Air Pollution. Edinburgh: Institute of Terrestrial Ecology; 1994.
Heij GJ. Acid rain research: Do we have enough answers?. (Erisman JW). Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1995.
Hogg P, Squires P, Fitter AH. Acidification, Nitrogen Deposition and Rapid Vegetational Change in a Small Valley Mire in Yorkshire. Biological Conservation. 1995 ;71.
Davies PH, Brinkmand SF. Acute and chronic toxicity of manganese to to brown trout (Salmo trutta) in hard water. Colorado Division of Wildlife; 1995.
Anderson CP, Rygiewicz PT. Allocation of carbon in mycorrhizal Pinus ponderosa seedlings exposed to ozone. New Phytologist . 1995 ;131:471-480.
Mosello R, Wathne BM, Lien L, Birks HJB. Al:PE projects: water chemistry and critical loads. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:493-498.
Midgley PA. Alternatives to CFCs and their behaviour in the atmosphere. In; Volatile Organic Compounds in the Atmosphere Re H, RM H. Issues in Environmental Science and Technology, The Royal Society of Chemistry. Cambridge UK. 1995 ;4:pp 91-108.
McFarlane DA, Keeler RC, Mizutani H. Ammonia Volatilization in a Mexican Bat Cave Ecosystem. Biogeochemistry. 1995 ;30:1-8.
Wilson EJ, Wells TCE, Sparks TH. Are calcareous grasslands in the UK under threat from nitrogen deposition - an experimental determination of a critical load. Journal of Ecology . 1995 ;83:823-832.
Sutton MA, Place CJ, Eager M, Fowler D, Smith RI. Assessment of the magnitude of ammonia emissions in the United Kingdom. Atmospheric Environment. 1995 ;29:1393-1411.
Sutton MA, D. F. Atmospheric deposition of nitrogen compounds to heathlands. Aarhus Geoscience . 1995 ;4:61-71.
Group BS. Biodiversity: the UK Steering Group report. London: HMSO; 1995.
