APIS Bibliography

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Havas M, Rosseland BO. Response of zooplankton, benthos and fish to acidification: an overview. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:51-62.
Hawksworth DL. Mapping studies. (Ferry BW, Baddeley MS, Hawksworth DL). London: Athlone press; 1973 pp. pp.38-76.
Hawksworth DL, Rose F. Qualitave scale for estimating sulphur dioxoide in air pollution in England and Wales using epiphytic lichens. Nature. 1970 ;227:145-148.
Hawksworth DL, McManus PM. Lichen Recolonization in London under Conditions of Rapidly Falling Sulfur-Dioxide Levels, and the Concept of Zone Skipping. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 1989 ;100:99-109.
Hawksworth DL, Rose F. Lichens as Pollution Monitors. London: Edward Arnold; 1970.
Hayes F, Williamson J, Mills G. Ozone pollution affects flower numbers and timing in a simulated BAP priority calcareous grassland community. Environmental Pollution. 2012 ;163:40-47.
Hayes F, Mills G, Harmens H, Norris D. Evidence of widespread ozone damage to vegetation in Europe (1990-2006). Bangor, UK.: Centre for Ecology and Hydrology; 2007.
Hayes F, Mills G, Ashmore M. Effects of ozone on inter- and intra-species competition and photosynthesis in mesocosms of Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens. Environmental Pollution. 2009 ;157(1):208-214.
Hayes F, Mills G, Williams P, Harmens H, Buker P. Impacts of summer ozone exposure on the growth and overwintering of UK upland vegetation. Atmospheric Environment. 2006 ;40:4088-4097.
Hayes F, Jones MLM, Mills G, Ashmore M. Meta-analysis of the relative sensitivity of semi-natural vegetation species to ozone. Environmental Pollution. 2007 ;146:754-762.
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Heath BA, Maughan JA, Morrison AA, Eastwood IW. The influence of wooded shelterbelts on the deposition of copper, lead and zinc at Shakerley Mere, Cheshire, England. Science of the Total Environment. 1999 ;(235):415-417.
Heijine B, Dueck TA, Van der Eerden LJM, Heil G. Effects of atmospheric ammonia and ammonium sulphate on vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal colonisation in three heathland species. New Phytologist. 1994 ;127:685-696.
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Henriksen A, Posch M, Hultberg H, Lien L. Critical loads of acidity for surface waters - can the ANC limit be considered variable? . Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:2419-2424.
Hessen DO, Henriksen A, Hindar A, Mulder J, Torseth K, Vagstad N. Human impacts on the nitrogen cycle: A global problem judged from a local perspective. Ambio. 1997 ;26:321-325.
Hessen DO, Hindar A, Holtan G. The significance of nitrogen runoff for eutrophication of freshwater and marine recipients. Ambio. 1997 ;26:312-320.
Hewins EJ. The impacts of management and atmospheric ammonia deposition on unimproved calcareous grasslands in the Cotswolds. 2000 .
Hibben CR, Taylor MP. Ozone and sulphur dioxide effects on the lilac powdery mildew fungus. Environmental Pollution. 1975 ;9:107-114.
Hicks WK, Leith ID, Woodin SJ, Fowler D. Can the foliar nitrogen concentration of upland vegetation be used for predicting atmospheric nitrogen deposition? Evidence from field surveys. . Environmental Pollution. 2000 ;107:367-376.
Hill MO, Ashenden TW, Buse A, Elmes GW, Goss-Custard JD, Thomas JA. Impacts of global change on UK species and communities. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology; 1998 pp. 98-103.
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Hill MO, Downing TE, Berry PM, Coppins BJ, Hammond PS, Marquiss M, Roy DB, Telfer MG, Welch D. Climate change and Scotland's Natural Heritage - An environmental audit. Battleby: Scottish Natural Heritage; 1998.
Hill MO, Mountford JO, Roy DB, Bunce RGH. Ellenberg's indicator values for British plants: ECOFACT volume 2 technical annex. HMSO; 1999.
