APIS Bibliography

Chaney RL. Zinc Phytotoxicity. In: In A. D. Robson Proceedings of the International Symposium on Zinc in Soil and Plants. In A. D. Robson Proceedings of the International Symposium on Zinc in Soil and Plants. University of Western Australia: Kluwer; 1993. pp. 135-150.
Näsholm T, Edfast A-B, Ericsson A, Nordén L-G. Accumulation of amino acids in some boreal forest plants in response to increased nitrogen availability. New Phytologist. 1994 ;126:137-143.
Hornung M, Bull KR, Cresser MS, Loveland PJ, Langan SJ, Reynolds B, Robertson WH, Battarbee (E)RW. Acid Rain and its Impact: The Critical Loads Debate. In: London: Environmental Change Research Centre/ENSIS; 1994. pp. 43-51.
Caporn SJM, Carroll J, Lei Y, Song W, Read DJ, Lee JA, Battarbee (E)RW. Acid Rain and its Impact: The Critical Loads Debate. In: London: Environmental Change Research Centre/ENSIS; 1994. pp. 146-150.
Rosseland BO, Staurnes M, Steinberg (E)CEW, Wright (E)RF. Acidification of freshwater ecosystems: implications for the future. In: Vol. ES14. Chitchester: John Wiley and Sons; 1994. pp. 227-246.
Raddum GG, Fjeilheim A, Steinberg (E)CEW, Wright (E)RF. Acidification of freshwater ecosystems: implications for the future. Environmental Sciences Research Report. Chitchester: John Wiley and Sons; 1994 pp. 345-354.
Steinberg CEW, Wright (E)RF. Acidification of freshwater ecosystems: implications for the future. Chitchester: John Wiley and Sons; 1994.
Davies PH, Brinkmand SF. Acute and chronic toxicity of manganese to exposed and unexposed rainbow and brown trout. Colorado Division of Wildlife; 1994.
Hill M, Preston CD, Smith A. Atlas of the Bryophytes. Harley. 1994 .
Preston CD, Hill MO, Smith A. Atlas of the bryophytes of the British Isles. Cambridge University Press. 1994 .
DoE. Biodiversity: the UK Steering Group report. London: HMSO; 1994.
Langan SJ, Bain DC, Wilson MJ. The calculation of weathering rates and their role in the determination of critical loads. (Battarbee RW). London: Environmental Change Research Centre/ENSIS; 1994 pp. 124-127.
Sheppard LJ. Causal mechanisms by which sulphate, nitrate and acidity influence frost hardiness in red spruce: review and hypothesis. New Phytologist. 1994 ;127:69-82.
Grubinger VP, Gutenmann WH, Doss GJ, Rutzke M, Lisk DJ. Chromium in swiss chard grown on soil amended with tannery meal fertilizer. Chemosphere. 1994 ;(28):717-720.
Baxter D, Farmer AM. The control of Brachypodium pinnatum in chalk grasslands: influence of management and nutrients. Peterborough: English Nature; 1994.
Fuhrer J. Critical levels for ozone; a UNECE workshop report. (Achermann B). Liebefeld-Bern: Swiss Federal Research Station for Agricultural Chemistry and Environmental Hygiene; 1994.
Ashmore MR, Wilson [E]RB. Critical levels of air pollutants for Europe. London: Air Quality Division, Department of the Environment; 1994.
UKCLAG. Critical Loads of Acidity in the United Kingdom.; 1994.
Redbotorstensson P. The Demographic Consequences of Nitrogen-Fertilization of a Population of Sundew, Drosera-Rotundifolia. Acta Botanica Neerlandica. 1994 ;43(2):175-188.
Griffiths RA, Dewijer P. Differential-Effects of pH and Temperature on Embryonic- Development in the British Newts (Triturus). . Journal of Zoology. 1994 ;234:613-622.
Crittenden PD, Kalucka I, Oliver E. Does nitrogen supply limit the growth of Antarctic lichens?. Cryptogamic Botany. 1994 ;4:143-155.
Jiang Q, Singh BR. Effect of different forms and sources of arsenic crop yield and arsenic concentration. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 1994 ;(74):321-343.
Van Ginneken I. The effect of zinc oxide on the growth of the unicellular alga Selenastrum capricornutum. Beerse, Belgium: Janssen Pharmaceutica; 1994.
Van Woensel M. The effect of zinc powder on the growth of the unicellular alga Selenastrum capricornutum. Beerse, Belgium: Janssen Pharmaceutica; 1994.
Heijine B, Dueck TA, Van der Eerden LJM, Heil G. Effects of atmospheric ammonia and ammonium sulphate on vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal colonisation in three heathland species. New Phytologist. 1994 ;127:685-696.
