APIS Bibliography

Farmer AM. The effects of dust on vegetation - a review. Environmental Pollution. 1993 ;79:63-75.
Farmer AM, Bareham SA. The Environmental Implications of UK Sulphur Emission Policy Options for England and Wales. Peterborough: Joint Nature Conservation Committee; 1993.
Sutton MA, Fowler D. Estimating the relative contribution of SOx, NOy and NHx inputs to effects of atmospheric deposition. London: HMSO; 1993.
Sutton MA, Fowler D. Estimating the relative contribution of SOx�, NOx and NHx inputs to effects of atmospheric deposition. London: HMSO; 1993 pp. 119-126.
Loch J, Gyori Z, Vago I. Examining the Cr uptake of ryegrass from inorganic compounds and sewage sludge in pot experiements. Science of the Total Environment 1993 Supplement. 1993 :347-355.
Sutton MA, Pitcairn CER, Fowler D. The exchange of ammonia between the atmosphere and plant communities. Advances in Ecological Research. 1993 ;24:301-393.
Pearce F. How Britain hides its acid soil. New Scientist. 1993 ;137:29-33.
Woodin SJ, Farmer AM. Impacts of sulphur and nitrogen deposition on sites and species of nature conservation importance in Great Britain. Biological Conservation. 1993 ;63:23-30.
Termoshuizen AJ. The influence of nitrogen fertilization on ectomycorrhizas and their fungal corpophores in young stands of Pinus sylvestris. Forest Ecology and Management . 1993 ;57:179-189.
Helivvaara K, Vdisdnen R. Insects and Pollution. London: CRC Press; 1993.
Grunhage L, Dammgen U, Haenel HD, Jager HJ, Holl A, Schmitt J, Hanewald K. A new potential air-quality criterion derived from vertical flux densitites of ozone and from plant response. Angewandte Botanik. 1993 ;67:9-13.
Faafeng B, Hessen DO. Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations and N:P ratios in Norwegian lakes. Perspective on nutrient limitation.; 1993 pp. 505-507.
Bobbink R, Boxman D, Fremstad E, Heil G, Houdijk A, Roelofs J. Nitrogen eutrophication and critical load for nitrogen based upon changes in flora and fauna in (semi)-natural terrestrial ecosystems. 1993 :pp. 111-159.
OSPARCOM. North Sea quality status report 1993. London: Oslo and Paris Commissions; 1993.
Black KE, Lowe JAH, Billett MF, Cresser MS. Observations on the changes in nitrate concentrations in seven upland moorland catchments in north eastern Scotland. Water Research. 1993 ;27:1195-1199.
Titus JE, Hoover DT. Reproduction in two submersed macrophytes declines progressively at low pH. . Freshwater Biology. 1993 ;30:63-72.
Reynolds B, Ormerod SJ. Review of the impact of current and future acid deposition in Wales. 1993 .
Vernberg FJ. Salt-Marsh Processes - a Review.; 1993 pp. 2167-2195.
Lee JA, Parsons AN, Baxter R. Sphagnum species and polluted environments, past and future. Advances in Bryology . 1993 ;5:297-313.
Bissett K, Farmer AM. SSSIs in England at risk from acid rain. Peterborough; 1993.
Sato M, Hansen JE, McCormick MP, Pollack JB. Stratospheric Aerosol Optical Depths, 1850-1990. Journal of Geophysical Research. 1993 ;98:22987-22994.
Ling KA, Power S, Ashmore MR. A survey of the health of Fagus sylvatica in southern Britain. . Journal of Applied Ecology . 1993 ;30:295-306.
Ross A. Terrestrial SSSIs at risk from acidification in Scotland. Perth: Scottish Natural Heritage; 1993.
Sketch CA, Bareham SA. Terrestrial SSSIs at risk from soil acidification in Wales. Bangor: Countryside Council for Wales; 1993.
of Group QUAR. Urban Air Quality in the United Kingdom. First Report of the Quality of Urban Air Review Group. London: DoE; 1993.
