APIS Bibliography

Dueck TA, Dorèl FG, R.T. H, Van der Eerden LJM. Effects of ammonia, ammonium sulphate and sulphur dioxide on the frost sensitivity of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Water Air Soil Pollution. 1990 ;54 :35-49.
Van der Eerden LJM, de Vries W, van Dobben H. Effects of ammonia deposition on forests in the Netherlands. Atmospheric Environment . 1998 ;32:525-532.
Holyoak DT. Effects of atmosheric pollution on the distribution of Balea perversa (Linnaeus) (Pulmonata:Clausiliidae) in southern Britain. Journal of of Conchology . 1987 ;29:319-323.
Heijine B, Dueck TA, Van der Eerden LJM, Heil G. Effects of atmospheric ammonia and ammonium sulphate on vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal colonisation in three heathland species. New Phytologist. 1994 ;127:685-696.
Krupa SV. Effects of atmospheric ammonia (NH3) on terrestrial vegetation: a review. Environmental Pollution. 2003 ;124:179-221.
van Dobben HF, Ter Braak CJF. Effects of atmospheric NH3 on epiphytic lichens in the Netherlands: The pitfalls of biological monitoring. Atmospheric Environment . 1998 ;32:551-557.
Van Dobben HJ, Ter Braak CJF. Effects of atmospheric NH3 on epiphytic lichens in the Netherlands: the pitfalls of biological monitoring. Atmospheric Environment . 1998 ;32:551-557.
Yesmin L, Gammack SM, Cresser MS. Effects of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on ericoid mycorrhizal infection of Calluna vulgaris growing in peat soils. Applied Soil Ecology. 1996 ;4:49-60.
Besten PJDen, Herwig HJ, Zandee DI, Voogt PA. Effects of cadmium and PCBs on reproduction of the sea star Asterias rubens: aberrations in the early development. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 1989 ;(18):173-180.
Kerslake JE, Woodin SJ, Hartley SE. Effects of carbon dioxide and nitrogen enrichment on a plantinsect interaction: the quality of Calluna vulgaris as a host for Operophtera brumata. New Phytologist. 1998 ;140:43-53.
Pearson S, Davison AW, Reiling K, Ashenden TW, Ollerenshaw JH. The effects of different ozone exposures on three contrasting populations of Plantago major L. . New Phytologist. 1996 ;132:493-502.
Farmer AM. The effects of dust on vegetation - a review. Environmental Pollution. 1993 ;79:63-75.
Phoenix GK, Booth RE, Leake JR, Read DJ, Grime JP, Lee JA. Effects of enhanced nitrogen deposition and phosphorus limitation on nitrogen budgets of semi-natural grasslands. Global Change Biology. 2003 ;9:1309-1321.
Skeffington RA, Wilson EJ. The effects of excess nitrogen deposition on young Norway spruce trees. Part I: the soil. Environmental Pollution. 1994 ;86:141-151.
Skeffington RA, Wilson EJ. The effects of excess nitrogen deposition on young Norway spruce trees. Part I: the vegetation. Environmental Pollution. 1994 ;86:153-160.
Ormerod SJ, Rundle SD. Effects of experimental acidification and liming on terrestrial invertebrates: implications for calcium availability to vertebrates. Environmental Pollution. 1998 ;103:183-191.
Hallbdcken L, Zhang LQ. Effects of experimental acidification, nitrogen addition and liming on ground vegetation in a mature stand of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in SE Sweden. Forest Ecology and Management . 1998 ;108:201-213.
Dirske GM, Martakis GFP. Effects of fertiliser on bryophytes in Swedish experiments on forest fertilisation. Biological Conservation. 1992 ;59:155-161.
Holopainen JK, Kainulainen P, Oksanen J. Effects of gaseous air pollutants on aphid performance on Scots pine and Norway spruce seedlings. . Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:1431-1436.
Veer MAC, Kooijman AM. Effects of grass-encroachment on vegetation and soil in Dutch dry dune grasslands. Plant and Soil . 1998 ;192:119-128.
Gove B, Power S, Buckley GP, Ghazoul J. Effects of herbicide spray drift and fertiliser over-spread on selected species of woodland ground flora: Comparison between short-term and long-term impact assessments and field surveys. Journal of Applied Ecology. 2007 ;44:374-384.
Yamaguchi M, Otani Y, Li P, Nagao H, Lenggoro IW, Ishida A, Yazaki K, Nogucki K, Nakaba S, Yamane K, et al. Effects of long-term exposure to ammonium sulfate particles on growth and gas exchange rates of Fagus crenata, Castanopsis sieboldii, Larix kaempferi and Cryptomeria japonica seedlings. Atmospheric Environment. 2014 :1-8.
Ashenden TW. The effects of long-term exposures to SO2 and NO2 pollution on the growth of Dactylis glomerata L. and Poa pratensis L. Environmental Pollution. 1979 ;18:249-258.
Plassmann K, Edwards-Jones G, Jones MLM. The effects of low levels of nitrogen deposition and grazing on dune grassland. Science of the Total Environment. 2009 ;407:1391-1404.
Beattie RC, Tyler-Jones R. The Effects of Low Ph and Aluminum on Breeding Success in the Frog Rana-Temporaria. Journal of Herpetology . 1992 ;26:353-360.
