APIS Bibliography

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Grubb M, Vrolijk C, Brack D. The Kyoto Protocol: A guide and assessment. London: Royal Institute of International Affairs; 1999.
Kirby K, Smart SM, Black HI, Bunce RGH, Corney PM, Smithers RJ. Long-term ecological change in British woodlands (1971 - 2001). Peterborough: English Nature; 2005 pp. 1-139.
Kirby K, Smart SM, Black HI, Bunce RGH, Corney PM, Smithers RJ. Long-term ecological change in British woodlands (1971 - 2001). Peterborough: English Nature; 2005 pp. 1-139.
Bobbink R, Roelofs JGM, Hornung (E)M, Sutton (E)MA, Wilson [E]RB. Mapping and modelling of critical loads for nitrogen - a workshop report. Bush: Institute of Terrestrial Ecology; 1995 pp. 9-19.
Hawksworth DL. Mapping studies. (Ferry BW, Baddeley MS, Hawksworth DL). London: Athlone press; 1973 pp. pp.38-76.
Anders S, Beck W, Bolte A, Hofmann G, Jenssen M, Krakau U, Müller J. Ökologie und Vegetation der Wälder Nordostdeutschlands.; 2002.
Anders S, Beck W, Bolte A, Hofmann G, Jenssen M, Krakau U, Müller J. Ökologie und Vegetation der Wälder Nordostdeutschlands.; 2002.
Cosby BJ, Bulger AJ, Wright RF. Predicting recovery of freshwater ecosystems: trout in Norwegian lakes. (Steinberg CEW, Wright RF).; 1994 pp. 355-373.
Grimwood M, Dixon E, Bailey K, Dunning J. Proposed Environmental Quality Standards for Cobalt in Water. Medmenham: Water Research Centre; 1998.
Grimwood M, Dixon E, Bailey K, Dunning J. Proposed Environmental Quality Standards for Cobalt in Water.; 1998.
Kernan M, Battarbee RW, Curtis C, Monteith DT, Shillands (E)EM. Recovery of lakes and streams in the UK from acid rain. The United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network 20 year interpretative report . Report to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; 2010. Available from: http://awmn.defra.gov.uk/resources/interpreports/20yearInterpRpt.pdf
Bealey WJ, Long S, Spurgeon DJ, Leith I, Cape JN. Review and implementation study of biomonitoring for assessment of air quality outcomes. Bristol: Environment Agency; 2008 p. 170pp.
Bobbink R, Braun S, Nordin A, Power S, Schutz K, Strengbom J, Weijters M, Tomassen H. Review and revision of empirical critical loads and dose-response relationships. (Bobbink R, Hettelingh JP). Noordwijkerhout: Coordination Centre for Effects; 2011.
Bobbink R, Braun S, Nordin A, Power S, Schutz K, Strengbom J, Weijters M, Tomassen H. Review and revision of empirical critical loads and dose-response relationships. (Bobbink R, Hettelingh JP). Noordwijkerhout: Coordination Centre for Effects; 2011.
Bobbink R, Braun S, Nordin A, Power S, Schutz K, Strengbom J, Weijters M, Tomassen H. Review and revision of empirical critical loads and dose-response relationships. (Bobbink R, Hettelingh JP). Noordwijkerhout: Coordination Centre for Effects; 2011.
Bobbink R, Hettelingh JP. Review and revision of empirical critical loads and dose-response relationships. Coordination Centre for Effects, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM); 2011. Available from: www.rivm.nl/cce
Billett MF. Scotland's soils: Research issues in developing a soil sustainability strategy. Perth: Scottish Natural Heritage; 1994 pp. 25-29.
Bealey WJ, Dore AJ. Source attribution and critical loads assessment for Special Areas of Conservation and Special Protection Areas in the UK.; 2007.PDF icon SiteRelevantCLs_SNIFFER_eversion.pdf (725.65 KB)
Bissett K, Farmer AM. SSSIs in England at risk from acid rain. Peterborough; 1993.
Sketch CA, Bareham SA. Terrestrial SSSIs at risk from soil acidification in Wales. Bangor: Countryside Council for Wales; 1993.
Hall RJ, Emmett B, Garbutt A, Jones L, Rowe E, Sheppard L, Vanguelova E, Pitman R, Britton A, Hester A, et al. UK Status Report July 2011: Update to empirical critical loads of nitrogen.; 2011 p. 55pp.
Gompertz D, Shuker D, Toniolo P, Shuker L, Bingham S, Calow P, Coggon D, King N, McMichael A, Walker C. The use of biomarkers in environmental exposure assessment. Leicester: Institute for Environment and Health; 1996 p. 114 pp.
Long S, Lister L, Hankard P, Rothery P, Ainsworth G, Rowland P, Walker L, Wright J, Turk T, Bealey B, et al. The use of biomonitoring tools to detect ecosystem response following exposure to contaminants emitted from a regulated industrial source. Bristol: Environment Agency; 2008.
Cunha A, Power SA, Ashmore MR, Green PRS, Haworth BJ, Bobbink R. Whole ecosystem N manipulation: An updated review. JNCC; 2002.
Flückiger W, Braun S. Wie geht es unserem Wald? Ergebnisse aus Dauerbeobachtungsflächen von 1984 bis 2004. Schönenbuch: Institut für Angewandte Pflanzenbiologie; 2004 p. 67.
