APIS Bibliography

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Bareham SA. Acid deposition and soils: a perspective for nature conservation. (Taylor AG, Gordon JE, Usher MB). Edinburgh: HMSO; 1996 pp. 105-120.
Davies PH, Brinkmand SF. Acute and chronic toxicity of manganese to exposed and unexposed rainbow and brown trout. Colorado Division of Wildlife; 1994.
Davies PH, Brinkmand SF. Acute and chronic toxicity of manganese to to brown trout (Salmo trutta) in hard water. Colorado Division of Wildlife; 1995.
Taylor HJ, Ashmore MR, Bell JNB. Air pollution injury to vegetation. Chadwick House, London: IEHO; 1986.
Flückiger W, Braun S. Auswirkung erhöhter Stickstofelastung auf die Stabilität des Waldes. Schönenbuch: Institut für Angewandte Pjanzenbiologie; 2011. Available from: ww.iap.ch
Langan SJ, Bain DC, Wilson MJ. The calculation of weathering rates and their role in the determination of critical loads. (Battarbee RW). London: Environmental Change Research Centre/ENSIS; 1994 pp. 124-127.
Langan SJ, Bain DC, Wilson MJ. The calculation of weathering rates and their role in the determination of critical loads. (Battarbee RW). London: Environmental Change Research Centre/ENSIS; 1994 pp. 124-127.
Harrison PA, Berry PM, Dawson TP. Climate Change and Nature Conservation in Britain and Ireland: Modelling natural resource responses to climate change (the MONARCH project). Oxford; 2001.
Hill MO, Downing TE, Berry PM, Coppins BJ, Hammond PS, Marquiss M, Roy DB, Telfer MG, Welch D. Climate change and Scotland's Natural Heritage - An environmental audit. Battleby: Scottish Natural Heritage; 1998.
Baxter D, Farmer AM. The control of Brachypodium pinnatum in chalk grasslands: influence of management and nutrients. Peterborough: English Nature; 1994.
Fowler D, Hargreaves KJ, Skiba U, Bower KN. Direct measurement of the UK source strength of radiatively active gases.; 2000.
Fowler D, Hargreaves K, Skiba U, Bower K. Direct Measurements of the UK Source Strength of Radiatively Active Gases.; 2000.
Bignal K, Ashmore M, Power S. The Ecological Effects of Diffuse Air Pollution from Road Transport. Peterborough: English Nature; 2004.
Kaupenjohann M, Dohler H, Bauer M. Effects of N-emissions on nutrient status and vitality of Pinus sylvestris near a hen house. .; 1989 pp. 279-328.
UNECE, Achermann (E)B, Bobbink (E)R. Empirical Critical Loads for Nitrogen - Expert Workshop, Berne 2002. SAEFL; 2003.
Bobbink R, Hornung M, Roelofs JGM. Empirical nitrogen critical loads for natural and semi-natural ecosystems. Berlin: Umweltbundesamt; 1996 pp. 71-96. .
Bobbink R, Roelofs JGM. Empirical nitrogen critical loads: update since Lokeberg (1992). (Hornung M, Sutton MA, Wilson RB). Bush: Institute of Terrestrial Ecology; 1995 pp. 9-19.
Farmer AM, Bareham SA. The Environmental Implications of UK Sulphur Emission Policy Options for England and Wales. Peterborough: Joint Nature Conservation Committee; 1993.
Dise NB, Ahlf W, Brahmer G, Cosby BJ, Fott J, Hauhs M, Juttner I, Kreutzer K, Raddum GG, Wright RF. Group report: are chemical and biological changes reversible?. (Steinberg CEW, Wright RF). Chichester: John Wiley and Sons; 1994 pp. 375-391.
Landers DH, Bayley SE, Ford J, Gunn JM, Lukewille A, Norton SA, Steinberg CEW, Vesely J, Zahn MT. Group report: interactions among acidification, phosphorus, contaminants and biota in freshwater ecosystems. (Steinberg CEW, Wright RF). Chichester: John Wiley and Sons; 1994 pp. 185-200.
Copplestone D, Bielby S, Jones SR, Paton D, Daniel P, Gize I. Impact Assessment of ionising radiation on wildlife. Bristol: Environment Agency; 2001. Available from: http://publications.environment-agency.gov.uk/pdf/SR-DPUB-128-e-e.pdf
Boorman LA, Hazelden J. Impacts of additional aerial inputs of nitrogen to salt marsh and transitional habitats. Bangor: Countryside Council for Wales; 2012 p. 44.
Hill MO, Ashenden TW, Buse A, Elmes GW, Goss-Custard JD, Thomas JA. Impacts of global change on UK species and communities. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology; 1998 pp. 98-103.
Morrissey T, Ashmore MR, Emberson LD, Cinderby S, Buker P. The impacts of ozone on nature conservation .; 2007.
Brunsting AMH. The influence of the dynamics of a population of herbivorous beetles on the development of vegetational patterns in a heathland system. Wageningen; 1982.
