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Brown SL, Chaney RL, Angle JS, Ryan JA. The phytoavailability of cadmium to lettuce in long-term biosolids-amended soils. Journal of Environmental Quality. 1998 ;(27):1071-1078.
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Balaguer M, Valladares F, Ascaso C, Barnes JD, DelosRios A, Manrique E, Smith EC. Potential effects of rising tropospheric concentrations of CO2 and O-3 on green-algal lichens. New Phytologist . 1996 ;132:132, 641-652.
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Grimwood M, Dixon E, Bailey K, Dunning J. Proposed Environmental Quality Standards for Cobalt in Water. Medmenham: Water Research Centre; 1998.
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Berendse F, van Breeman N, Rydin H, Buttler A, Heijmans M, Hoosbeek MR, Lee JA, Mitchel E, Saarinen T, Vasander H, et al. Raised atmospheric CO2 levels and increased N deposition cause shifts in plant species composition and production in Sphagnum bogs. Global Change Biology . 2001 ;7:591-598.
Berendse F, van Breeman N, Rydin H, Buttler A, Heijmans M, Hoosbeek MR, Lee JA, Mitchel E, Saarinen T, Vasander H, et al. Raised atmospheric CO2 levels and increased N deposition cause shifts in plant species composition and production in Sphagnum bogs. Global Change Biology . 2001 ;7:591-598.
Berendse F, van Breeman N, Rydin H, Buttler A, Heijmans M, Hoosbeek MR, Lee JA, Mitchel E, Saarinen T, Vasander H, et al. Raised atmospheric CO2 levels and increased N deposition cause shifts in plant species composition and production in Sphagnum bogs. Global Change Biology . 2001 ;7:591-598.
Battarbee RW, Shilland EM, Kernan M, Monteith DT, Curtis C. Recovery of acidified surface waters from acidification in the United Kingdom after twenty years of chemical and biological monitoring (1988–2008). Ecological Indicators. 2014 ;37(Part B):267-273.
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Battarbee RW, Simpson GL, Shilland EM, Flower RJ, Kreiser A, Yang H, Clarke G. Recovery of UK lakes from acidification: An assessment using combined palaeoecological and contemporary diatom assemblage data. Ecological Indicators. 2014 ;37(Part B):365-380.
Baddeley JA, Thompson DBA, Lee JA. Regional and historical variation in the nitrogen-content of Racomitrium lanuginosum in Britain In relation to atmospheric nitrogen deposition. Environmental Pollution. 1994 ;84:189-196.
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Bosley A, Petersen R, Rebbeck J. The resistance of the moss Polytrichum commune to acute exposure of simulated acid rain or ozone compared to two fern species: Spore germination. Bryologist. 1999 ;101:512-518.
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