APIS Bibliography

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Bossuyt B, De Fré B, Hoffmann M. Abundance and flowering succes patterns in a short-term grazed grassland: early evidence of facilitation. Journal of Ecology . 2005 ;93 :1104-1114.
Borer CH, Schaberg PG, DeHayes DH. Acidic mist reduces foliar membrane-associated calcium and impairs stomatal responsiveness in red spruce,. Tree Physiology. 2005 ;25(6):673-680.
Monteith DT, Hildrew AG, Flower RJ, Raven PJ, Beaumont WRB, Collen P, Kreiser AM, Shilland EM, Winterbottom JH. Biological responses to the chemical recovery of acidified fresh waters in the UK. Environmental Pollution. 2005 ;137:83-101.
Van Den Berg LJ, Dorland E, Vergeer P, Hart MAC, Bobbink R, Roelofs JG. Decline of acid‐sensitive plant species in heathland can be attributed to ammonium toxicity in combination with low pH. New Phytologist. 2005 ;166(2):551-564.
Nilsson LO, Giesler R, Bååth E, Wallander H. Growth and biomass of mycorrhizal mycelia in coniferous forestsalong short natural nutrient gradients. New Phytologist. 2005 ;165:613–622.
Vandermeiren K, Black C, Pleijel H, De Temmerman L. Impact of rising tropospheric ozone on potato: effects on photosynthesis, growth, productivity and yield quality. Plant Cell and Environment. 2005 ;28:982-996.
Britton AJ, Pearce ISKP, Jones B. Impacts of grazing on montane heath vegetation in Wales and implications for the restoration of montane areas. Biological Conservation. 2005 ;125:515-524.
Kirby K, Smart SM, Black HI, Bunce RGH, Corney PM, Smithers RJ. Long-term ecological change in British woodlands (1971 - 2001). Peterborough: English Nature; 2005 pp. 1-139.
Kirby K, Smart SM, Black HI, Bunce RGH, Corney PM, Smithers RJ. Long-term ecological change in British woodlands (1971 - 2001). Peterborough: English Nature; 2005 pp. 1-139.
Gauci V, Dise N, Blake S. Long-term suppression of wetland methane flux following a pulse of simulated acid rain. Geophysical Research Letters. 2005 ;32(12).
Van der Wal R, Pearce ISK, Brooker RW. Mosses and the struggle for light in a nitrogen-polluted world. Oecologia . 2005 ;142 :159–168.
Solga A, Burkhardt J, Zechmeister HG, Frahm JP. Nitrogen content, 15N natural abundance and biomass of the two pleurocarpous mosses Pleurozium schreberi (Brid.) Mitt.and Scleropodium purum (Hedw.) Limpr. in relation to atmospheric nitrogen deposition. Environmental Pollution. 2005 ;134:465-473.
Maggio A, De Pascale S, Fagnano M, Barbieri G. Can salt stress-induced physiological responses protect tomato crops from ozone damages in Mediterranean environments?. European Journal of Agronomy. 2007 ;26:454-461.
Goumenaki E, Fernandez IG, Papanikolaou A, Papadopoulou D, Askianakis C, Kouvarakis G, Barnes J. Derivation of ozone flux-yield relationships for lettuce: a key horticultural crop. Environmental Pollution. 2007 ;146:699-706.
Davies L, Bates JW, Bell JNB, James PW, Purvis OW. Diversity and sensitivity of epiphytes to oxides of nitrogen in London. Environmental Pollution . 2007 ;146:299-310.
Davies L, Bates JW, Bell JNB, James PW, Purvis OW. Diversity and sensitivity of epiphytes to oxides of nitrogen in London. Environmental Pollution . 2007 ;146:299-310.
Bubier JL, Moore TR, Bledzki LA. Effect of nutrient addition on vegetation and carbon cycling in an ombrotrophic bog. Global Change Biology. 2007 ;13:1168–1186.
Bubier JL, Moore TR, Bledzki LA. Effect of nutrient addition on vegetation and carbon cycling in an ombrotrophic bog. Global Change Biology. 2007 ;13:1168–1186.
Gove B, Power S, Buckley GP, Ghazoul J. Effects of herbicide spray drift and fertiliser over-spread on selected species of woodland ground flora: Comparison between short-term and long-term impact assessments and field surveys. Journal of Applied Ecology. 2007 ;44:374-384.
