APIS Bibliography

Journal Article
Pitcairn CER, Leith ID, Sheppard LJ, Sutton MA, Fowler D, Munro RC, Tang S, Wilson D. The relationship between nitrogen deposition, species composition and foliar nitrogen concentrations in woodland flora in the vicinity of livestock farms. Environmental Pollution . 1998 ;102:41-48.
Fowler D, Sutton MA, Smith RI, Pitcairn CER, Coyle M, l Campbel G, Stedman J. Regional mass budgets of oxidized and reduced nitrogen and their relative contribution to the N inputs of sensitive ecosystems. Environmental Pollutution (Nitrogen Conference Special Issue). 1998 ;102:337-342.
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Temple PJ, Sun JE-J, Krause GHM. Peroxyacetyl nitrates (PAN) and other minor pollutants. Recognition of Air Pollutant Injury to Vegetation: A Pictorial Atlas. 2nd Edition. Air & Waste Management Association, Pittsburgh, PA. 1998 :pp 6-1 to 6-2.
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Kopácek J, Procházková L, Stuchlík E, Blacka P. The nitrogen-phosphorus relationship in mountain lakes: Influence of atmospheric input, watershed, and pH. Limnology and Oceanography. 1995 ;40:930-937.
Tamm CO, Aronsson A, Popovic B. Nitrogen saturation in a long-term forest experiment with annual additions of nitrogen. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:1683-1688.
Bobbink R, Roelofs JGM. Nitrogen critical loads for natural and semi-natural ecosystems: the empirical approach. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:2413-2418.
Chapman PJ, Edwards AC, Reynolds C, Cresser M, Neal C. The nitrogen content of upland rivers in Britain: the significance of organic N. IAHS Publ. 1998 ;248:443-450.
Mizutani H, Wada E. Nitrogen and carbon isotope ratios in seabird rookeries and their ecological implications. Ecology. 1988 ;69:340-349.
Grunhage L, Dammgen U, Haenel HD, Jager HJ, Holl A, Schmitt J, Hanewald K. A new potential air-quality criterion derived from vertical flux densitites of ozone and from plant response. Angewandte Botanik. 1993 ;67:9-13.
Pain BF, van der Weerden TJ, Chambers BJ, Phillips VR, Jarvis SC. A new inventory for ammonia emissions from U.K. agriculture. (Ammonia Special Issue) Atmospheric Environment . 1998 ;32(3):309-313.
EPA US. National Recommended Water Quality Criteria. Federal Register. 1998 ;63:68354-68364.
Rudawska M, Kieliszewska-Rocicka B, Leski T, Oleksyn J. Mycorrhizal studies of a Scots Pine plantation affected by pollution from a phosphate fertiliser plant. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:1281-1286.
