APIS Bibliography

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Hartley-Whitaker J, Cairney JWG, Meharg AA. Toxic effects of cadmium and zinc on ectomycorrhizal colonization of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) from soil inoculum. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 2000 ;(19): 694-699.
Wilson EJ, Skeffington RA, Maltby E, Immirzi P, Swanston C, Proctor M. Towards a new method of setting a critical load of acidity for ombrotrophic peat. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1995 ;85:2491-2496.
González A, Lynch J. Tolerance of tropical common bean genotypes to manganese toxicity: performance under different growing conditions. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 1999 ;(22):511-525.
Seaward MRD. Time-space analyses of the British lichen flora, with particular reference to air quality surveys. Folia Cryptog. Estonica, Fasc. . 1998 ;32:85-96.
Winfield IJ. Threats to the lake fish communities of the UK arising from eutrophication and species introductions. . Journal of Zoology. 1992 ;42:233-242.
Nybx S, Staurnes M, Erstad KJ. Thinner eggshells of dipper (Cinclus cinclus) eggs from an acidified area compared to a non-acidified area in Norway. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1997 ;93:255-266.
Stevens CJ, Smart SM, Henrys PA, Maskell LC, Crowe A, Simkin J, Cheffings CM, Whitfield C, Gowing DJG, Rowe EC, et al. Terricolous lichens as indicators of nitrogen deposition: Evidence from national records. Ecological Indicators. 2012 ;20:196-203.
Britton AJ, Fisher JM. Terricolous alpine lichens are sensitive to both load and concentration of applied nitrogen and have potential as bioindicators of nitrogen deposition. Environmental Pollution. 2010 ;158:1296-1302.
UKREATE . Terrestrial Umbrella: Effects of Eutrophication and Acidification on Terrestrial Ecosystems.; 2010.
UKREATE . Terrestrial Umbrella – Effects of Eutrophication and Acidification on Terrestrial Ecosystems.; 2010.
Sketch CA, Bareham SA. Terrestrial SSSIs at risk from soil acidification in Wales. Bangor: Countryside Council for Wales; 1993.
Ross A. Terrestrial SSSIs at risk from acidification in Scotland. Perth: Scottish Natural Heritage; 1993.
Harmens H, Foan L, Simon V, Mills G. Terrestrial mosses as biomonitors of atmospheric POPs pollution: A review. Environmental Pollution. 2013 ;173:245-254.
Hoosebeak MR, van Breeman N, Wallen B, Rydin H, Lee JA, Sivola J, Vasander H, Berendse F, Grosvernier P, Sutton (E)MA, et al. Terrestrial ecosystem research in Europe: successes, challenges and policy. In: Brussels.: Directorate-General for Research; 2001.
MacLeod JC, Pessah E. Temperature effects on mercury accumulation, toxicity and metabolism rate in rainbow trout. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada. 1973 ;(30):485-492.
