APIS Bibliography

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Woolgrove CE, Woodin SJ. Ecophysiology of a snow-bed bryophyte Kiaeria starkei during snowmelt and uptake of nitrate from meltwater. Canadian Journal of Botany . 1996 ;74:1095-1103.
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Carroll JA, Johnson D, Morecroft MD, Taylor AG, Caporn SJM, Lee JA. The effect of long-term nitrogen additions on the bryophyte cover of upland acidic grassland. Journal Bryology . 2000 ;22:83-89.
Foot JP, Caporn SJM, Lee JA, Ashenden TW. The effect of long-term ozone fumigation on the growth, physiology and frost sensitivity of Calluna vulgaris. New Phytologist . 1996 ;133:503-511.
M. Jones E, Paine TD, Fenn ME. The effect of nitrogen additions on oak foliage and herbivore communities at sites with high and low atmospheric pollution. Environmental Pollution. 2008 ;151.
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Caporn SJM, Song W, Read DJ, Lee JA. The effect of repeated N fertlization on mye infection in heather (Calluna vulgaris (L) Hull). New Phytol. 1995 ;129:605-609.
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